Club Reports

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Clover Quest

Clover Quest held their second meeting of the year on October 21, 2016. Each of the members came, as well as several visitors. During business, it was confirmed that the club would work at Family Promise, an organization that helps the homeless, during Christmas break. Some clubbers received awards for 4-H participation that were given out at the banquet. Also, it was announced that the club got third place for their display in the window display contest. After these exciting business items, we moved on to dividing into age groups for some games. 

The 5-11 group played an adapted version of sharks-and minnows, and the teen group played a game like telephone, except they wrote on each other’s backs instead of whispering. Then, Abigail Rogers served a yummy snack of powdered pumpkin muffins. Finally, Miriam Kogut gave an interesting presentation on beta fish. This involved a quizzing game to test members’ attentiveness and a game of corn hole.

All the clubbers and visitors enjoyed this meeting and looked forward to the next one, which was also at 4:00 on November 18.

-Katrice Wasgatt, Club Reporter


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