Club Reports

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The Camp FRESH 4-H Club welcomed Julia, a UD Nutrition and Dietetics Student intern to their March meeting. She facilitated a fun and informative Nutrition and Fitness Jeopardy game.

Clover Quest

In February, 4-H Clover Quest’s meeting began as usual with the pledges. Reports were given and announcements for 4-H upcoming events. The Clover Quest then played a lively game very similar to musical chairs. They had great fun!

Ruth Schelich selected the meeting’s theme of the month: Recycle! Recycle! Recycle! She informed the meeting of how they can recycle right and reuse all sorts of recycle goods. Did you know used pizza box is not recyclable? According to Ruth’s research only clean pizza boxes can be recycled. Interesting! For the craft, Ruth Schelich and her family brought many recyclable goods and had the club put their creative caps on to concoct a craft used ALL by recycled goods.

The room was buzzing with creative ideas! The meeting was then closed.

-Your club reporter, Therese Owens

Heavenly Hooves/Tails n’ Trails

Heavenly Hooves and Tails and Trails Club members competed in the Statewide Horse Bowl on March 9.

Pictured in back row: are Junior Team also known as H2T2, Daisy Timney, Clara Gulick, Lizzy Handlin-coached by Angela Brown

Front row: Beginner Team: Savannah Timney, Alexis Drury, Jack Handlin, coached by Jessica Knowles

Sarah Brown, NCC 4-H Alumni served as a judge.

Holy Angels

One of our Junior Leaders went to a photography workshop and worked with us to take pictures of glow sticks using the timer on the camera and a tripod.

Liam Aber planted beach grass at Kitts Hummock Beach on a new dune.

We had a snack mix with Lucky Charms for St. Patrick’s Day and drilled and sanded on a wooden peg game.

From Logan Fagley: club reporter

Summit Bridge

At the March meeting of the Summit Bridge 4H club we had our business meeting. We discussed our Friendly’s fundraiser. After our meeting, we played team building games and  we finished the night with a yummy snack. Below is of one of our 4H’ers (William Apps) enjoying his Friendly’s dessert.
