Club Reports

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Clover Quest

The Clover Quest 4-H club started off the year with a blast at their September 16th meeting at the Newark Free Library. After the usual meeting business was conducted, we played a fun get-to-know-you game before the presentation. September was a chicken-themed month, with members informing the club about the Avian Bowl competition at the State Fair, making yummy egg quiches for snack, and presenting a blue-ribbon demonstration involving a rooster.


First, clubbers Abigail Rogers and Jade Wasgatt led us in a mock Avian Bowl competition to encourage people to join them in this State Fair event next year. They won 2nd place in the 2016 competition, and had fun introducing the club to this educational and enjoyable opportunity. Next, a delicious and healthy snack of fresh egg quicclover-quest-sept-meeting-snackhes was served to go with the chicken theme.
Finally, Jade demonstrated to the club how to safely transport your chicken. This presentation won a blue ribbon at the Fair, and encouraged others to give this competition a try in the spring county demonstration contest.clover-quest-sept-meeting

All the members at the meeting had a fun time and are looking forward to coming back next month. Join us for our next meeting on November 18th , in the Newark Free Library at 4:00!

-Katrice Wasgatt, Club Reporter