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Route 9 Culinary Club

The 4-H Culinary Club is celebrating their one-year anniversary.  When we are able to be in person, we meet at the Route 9 Library Innovation Center.  Now, we gather our ingredients and tools and prepare the recipes together in our own kitchens connected through Zoom.  In September, we began using 4-H Cooking 201 as our source of inspiration.  During the month of November, we focused on making recipes using pumpkin.  One club member, Francesca, grew, cleaned, and pureed the pumpkin she used in the recipes – her pumpkin pie is pictured..




Ruby’s grandmother told us “she absolutely LOVES coming over Wed nights to cook/bake!  Thanks so much for that!  Her mom and great-grandmother aren’t sorry about that either, I can tell you!  They’re always eagerly awaiting the results – for taste testing, of course!  I just wanted to say how thankful we all are for this opportunity.”

In December, every week a member led the class and demonstrated their favorite Christmas cookie recipes.  Many of these recipes had a memory associated with them.  All the cookies were delicious, and we could not pick a favorite.

New members are welcome, we accept youth between the ages of 8 and 13.  If you have a desire to learn to bake or cook or have a passion for trying new recipes, please contact Ms. Jenny at  We will resume our weekly meetings on Wednesday, January 6.