Cheep Talk: Back Yard Poultry Workshop

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Tuesday September 20th 6:00 – 8:30PM
Harrington Fire Hall (20 Clark St., Harrington, DE 19952)

A,B,C & 1,2,3: Back to Basics
The best approach to raising and maintaining a
healthy flock starts with planning and regular
evaluation of your procedures. Will discuss the
basics of flock management for beginners and
seasoned flock owners.
Dr. Jon Moyle
Poultry Specialist
University of Maryland
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m.

Like a Bridge Over Troubled Waters.
At times, every flock owner needs some help. The
Maryland and Delaware Departments of
Agriculture must be notified of mass flock illness
and/or death. We will discuss state resources
available to small flock owners.
Lori Russ
Animal Inspector
Maryland Department of
6:30 p.m.–6:40 p.m.

Don’t Get Your Feathers Ruffled! Keeping
Your Flock Clean

Every step you take, every move you make (or fail
to) can come back to bite your flock! Protecting
yourself and your birds through proper use of
protective equipment and cleaning procedures will
be discussed.
Georgie Cartanza
Extension Agent-Poultry
Cooperative Extension
University of Delaware
6:40 p.m.–7:10 p.m.

Girls’ Rules: From Eggs to Laying Hens to
Eggs Again

Learn about hens and egg production from the
egg/chick through production. Come get all your
questions answered on how to best care for your
Maegan Perdue
Agent Associate
University of Maryland
7:10 p.m.–7:40 p.m.

You Must Defend the Flock! Keeping
External Threats at Bay

What are the risks? Keeping multiple types of bird
species, allowing access by wild birds and parasites
are ever-present risks that must be managed.
Current disease threats will be discussed.
Dr. Nanette Olmeda-Geniec
Veterinary DiagnosticianPoultry
Dr. Brian Ladman
Senior Scientist
University of Delaware
7:40 p.m.–8:15 p.m.

Question/ Adjourn 8:15p.m.-8:30 p.m.

This program is funded by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service through the
National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program.

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