University of Delaware Football Agriculture Day
(University of Delaware vs. Cornell)
Date: September 15th
Arrival Time for Pre-Game Activies: 12:00 noon
Game Time: 3:30 pm
Parking: Various general parking lots are available near the football stadium. (Attendees will be responsible for parking fee)
UD is encouraging any Delaware 4-H member to attend!!
- Pre-game Activities (Educational programming that will include items such as a beehive demonstration, panel of UD Ag major students who will answer questions about the college, and more!)
- Discounted Tickets (Reserved Sideline Stadium Seat (Sections A, B, F, G, H, I, M & N) $10.00 per ticket* (youth or adult) which includes a UD Creamery Voucher. Checks should be payable to the University of Delaware.
- Photos on the field
- Opportunity to participate in the pre-game High-FIve Tunnel on the field
- Group recognition on the video board
To attend and reserve tickets, please remit payment to your County 4-H Office by September 7th!
*In order to receive the $10 ticket rate, you must order tickets through the 4-H office.
Make checks out to University of Delaware.
Tickets can be picked up during the pre-game events on the 15th. Specific info to follow.