Rain Barrel Contest

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DNREC’s Division of Watershed Stewardship is now accepting applications from children and student groups in grades K-12 to participate in a rain barrel painting contest aimed at educating young Delawareans on the benefits of using rain barrels to reduce rainwater runoff and improve water quality. Selected children or groups will be invited to paint creative designs on rain barrels for later public display.
To enter the contest, young artists must complete and submit an application by Friday, March 18, with a description and preliminary sketch of their design. DNREC will choose contest participants based on their application and design ideas.
Once contest participants are selected, they will have five weeks to finish their painting and submit final photographs and information requested about their works.
Young artists who participate in the contest must be willing to give of their time and materials including paint and brushes or other application tools, and provide a short biography. In exchange, DNREC’s Watershed Assessment and Management Section will provide a fully-assembled 55-gallon plastic rain barrel with two coats of primer applied, plus top coat. This year’s barrels have been donated by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery and Coca-Cola.
The finished rain barrel designs will be posted online for public voting at www.delawarewatersheds.org, and also displayed at the Delaware Agricultural Museum and Village in Dover from June 1 through July 19. The top five painted entries as chosen by online voters will be displayed at the 2016 Delaware State Fair in Harrington from July 21-30, where they will be voted on again by fair visitors for best painted rain barrel. The five grand prize winners will also participate in the annual DNREC awards program on Governors Day, Thursday, July 28, at the Delaware State Fair.
Applications can be found at www.delawarewatersheds.org. Completed applications should be sent by close of business March 18 to:
DNREC Nonpoint Source Program
C/O Sharon Webb
State Street Commons 
100 West Water Street, Suite 6B
Dover, DE 19904
For more information, please contact Sharon Webb at sharon.webb@state.de.us or 302-739-9922.