4-H in Action-A special supplement to The Delmarva Farmer for 4-Hers by 4-Hers

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Show how 4-H youth development thrives in your
community. Share your stories in 4-H in Action!
4-H in Action is an annual newspaper written by 4-H members from Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, showcasing the diversity of the program. 4-H members produce and submit the content, and The Delmarva Farmer puts it all together into a newspaper supplement.
In support of 4-H Youth Development, a portion of the advertising revenue will be donated to the
4-H Programs in each of the states.

What type of content fits you best?
News Story – This is an article about an event/happening/experience/person written in the 3rd person point of view.
Example: A club reporter interviewing club members about a group service project and its impact on the communtih.
Tip: In this format, the writer is not a part of the story, but an observer and recorder of what’s going on.
Opinion/Editorial – The author’s opinion on a topic or issue supported with facts. Example: A 4-Her’s opinion on the power of 4-H on youth.

Column – A story told from the first person point of view, with opinion, reflection.

Examples: My experience going back to 4-H Camp; First year of 4-H; Success with an animal project; Preparing for the county fair.

News Brief – Short article announcing event or workshop or small news. Cover the basics — who, what, where, when and why. 100-200 words.

Example: A new 4-H project starts in your county; upcoming workshop or educational experience.

Tip: When promoting an upcoming event, keep in mind the supplement will not be published until the first week of October.

Feature photo – High Resolution photo and caption. Explain what’s happening in in the photo and give details for context.

Examples: Showing an animal project; completing a home arts project; a club activity underway; Receiving awards and recognitions.

How to Participate
Email completed work in a Word document to Sean Clougherty at sean@americanfarm.com with 4-H IN ACTION in the subject line. Attach high-resolution photos separately in the e-mail. JPEG files are preferred for photos.
Include your age, County and 4-H Club name in the message.

You can also reach out to Sean with any questions by email or phone — 410-822-3965.

When is the Deadline?
Articles and photos are to be submitted on or before Wednesday, September 13, 2023 to
your respective County 4-H Office or directly to a Delaware 4-H Staff member.
Scheduled publication date is October 3, 2023 during National 4-H Week.