Welcome to the official website of ASME UD! Keep a lookout for news about on what’s going on, or take a look at what we have done in the past. Still curious? Drop in at one of our meetings or drop in to listen to one of our speakers!
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Section at the University of Delaware (ASME UD) aims to facilitate engineering excellence, professional development, technical aptitude, and organize fun campus events & outside tours to instill the spirit of engineering to enhance the student experience.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Section at the University of Delaware (ASME UD) was chartered with ASME National on March 29th 1929, and is currently celebrating our 89th year of activities at the collegiate level. Though the many leadership changes through the years, the goal of supporting developing engineers has remained.
Speaker Series
Hear fellow engineers speak about their experiences out in the field, as they come to the University of Delaware to give you advice as part of our Engineers Speak series.
Also, don’t miss out on the free food available at the reception beforehand!
Interested in stopping by to check us out? Click through for a brief overview of the weekly meeting times. Meetings include build projects, events, and other informational updates.
Fun Events
UD ASME hosts and promotes many fun events. Feel free to check out a few exciting upcoming events around campus!
- Falcon Heavy Live: Tues 2/6 | 1:00 PM | Spencer 131
- Watch the inaugural launch webcast of the new SpaceX rocket with SEDS
- Activities Night: Wed. 2/7 | 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM | Rodney Room in Perkins
- Accudyne Systems Tour: Fri. 2/9 | 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM | Meet at Perkins
- Spring Career Fair: Thurs. 2/15 | 3:00 PM – 6:30 PM | Career Services, Little Bob
Informational Flyers
Hey ASME UD! Be sure to check out these flyers.
Being an ASME member has more benefits than you think!
Student Brochure
Student Application
Member Testimonials
Student Scholarships
E – Library
Freshman Membership
Mechanical Engineering Magazine
ASME Referral
Student Benefits
Important Links
- UD ASME facebook group
- UD ASME facebook page
- UD Mechanical Engineering Department
- ASME Delaware Section
- ASME International
- ASME Constitution