E-Week Participation Rewards

Come on out to celebrate the spirit of engineering as we celebrate E-Week (2/19-2/25) this year! To encourage everyone to come out, we’re offering easily attainable prizes to those who choose to participate, including rewarding those who come out the most. Although this list of upcoming events also includes a few events not part of E-Week, all events are free to attend and hosted by Engineering organizations on campus, and be a blast! Most events also offer free food; checkout the links below for more information.

How to Enter:

  1. Attend an Event Listed Below
  2. Take Selfie at Event
  3. Post to Facebook/Twitter using #EWeekUD #ASME, or email to udasme@gmail.com. Note: group photos are encouraged, but each person must post/email the photo individually.


  1. Attend at least two featured events and one other event to receive a free ASME T-shirt ($15 value) or exclusive 3D-printed item.
  2. The five individuals that attend the most events will also receive a free ME125 Scarf ($10 value).

Continue reading E-Week Participation Rewards

Broomball 2016!

This year’s E-week broomball competition was a blast! Over 60 engineers came down to the Gold Arena Ice Rink late Tuesday night for a rink full of fun in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. This event involved four rounds of half-rink team skirmishes, culminating in a seniors versus all game at the end. Though the underclassmen usurped the title from the senior class, there were abundant munchkins and hot beverages to go around, keeping everyone happy. Nevertheless, the Mechanical Engineers showed up in force and dominated the competition. See you all next year!

Rube Goldberg Competition

This past Saturday (2/20/2015), representatives from ASME UD traveled to Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA to compete in a Rube Goldberg machine building contest. Each machine has an overly complicated series of intricate steps to accomplish a simple end goal, like stapling some papers together. This competition was judged by members of the ASME Philadelphia Professional Section; ASME UD members ended up being on the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place design teams.

ASME Rube Goldberg (1)

ASME Rube Goldberg (4)

ASME Rube Goldberg (5)

ASME Rube Goldberg (15)

MESS Build-A-Thon

This Friday (2/19/2016) MESS will be hosting the Build-A-Thon challenge in the Pit (Spencer 134) starting a 4:00 PM. Come for the food, stay for the joy of building stuff!
