Ping Pong 2018

For this year’s annual ping pong tournament, ASME UD expanded into a larger space in the hive (Spencer 131). Doubles was the name of the game, as we went from slightly undersized tables last year to slightly oversized tables this year.

After a few intense doubles pickup games, we took a pizza break to rest up. While munching on food, participants tried to solve a 3D-printed puzzle and learned about our soccer playing robot and other build teams. After the break, we resumed with singles games of ping pong.

After the competition died down, we watched a few timely clips on ping pong from Forrest Gump and Balls of Fury to end the night. We also wanted to award a 3D-printed paddle trophy, but there was a mishap handling the print and we were unable to do so. Thank you to everyone who came out to play some ping pong, and hopefully we will see you again at our ping pong tournament next year!