May The Fourth Awakened

This past Thursday, the University of Delaware did not go quietly into the night — the Force Awakened. Despite all of the obstacles placed in our path, all of those who came and stuck it through the end left feeling satisfied. Needless to say, the light up foam ‘lightsabers’ were a hit. Due to popular demand, the costume contest was replaced with a series of lightsaber duels. The 3D-printed models were awarded to the champions, and everyone left with lightsabers as consolation prizes.

I am sure of one thing — the audio visual (A/V) system in Kirkbride Hall has been corrupted by the dark side of the force. Plan A with overtures to borrow a Blu-Ray player were refused, Plan B with screening (legally) refused to work as iTunes would display the start menu but refused to play the movie. On top of that, Plan C petered out as the DVD player in the A/V cabinet crashed 45 minutes into the film. Attendance was lower than expected due to the primere of the new Guardians of the Galaxy film, and still only half of those in attendance weathered through the storm to finish the storm.

The 3D-printed prizes were as awesome as you might imagine. We got an AT-ST, Droideca, and Y-wing made for us courtesy of the Spencer Lab design studio makerspace.

Thank you to all who came, and May The Force Be With You!

May the Fourth Be With You!

May the fourth be with you! Join ASME in a fun viewing of Star Wars on May 4th in Kirkbride 006 and be sure to dress up as your favorite character! For more information and updates click here!