
Beyond Its Limits: A Case Study in University Expansion and Gentrification in Newark, DE

Posted on July 13, 2021 at: 1:59 pm

by Collin Willard
Ray Callahan Experiential Learning Fund Fellow, Spring 2021

Anyone who has ever set foot in Newark, Delaware could tell you that it is a college town. Positioned in the center of town, the University of Delaware’s vast campus dominates Newark’s built environment. Businesses along Newark’s Main Street cater to student tastes, and students make up a sizable portion of Newark’s population. Large real estate management companies offer a variety of off-campus housing options in just about every part of Newark, from apartment complexes to single family homes, and nearly everything in between.

However, Newark was not always like this. Prior to the 1970’s, University of Delaware students primarily either lived on campus or commuted to class. Newark had several distinctive neighborhoods within its core that housed working-class families. One such neighborhood was home to the New London Road community, where Newark’s Black population lived throughout the 20th century. This neighborhood, shown in the figure below, encompassed most of the northwest portion of Newark’s core, including New London Road and Avenue, West Cleveland Avenue, Ray Street, Church Street, Corbit Street, Rose Street, and Terry Manor. Today, however, this area of Newark is largely student housing and university property.

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Universities Studying Slavery

Posted on July 1, 2021 at: 9:05 am

Memorial Hall
The University of Delaware has joined a consortium of universities studying the history of slavery as it relates to their own institutions.


 Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson 

UD joins a consortium of universities studying the history of slavery as it relates to their own institutions

The University of Delaware has joined a consortium of universities studying the history of slavery — and such legacies of slavery as segregation and racism — as it relates to their own institutions.

Universities Studying Slavery (USS) consists of about 80 member institutions, most in the United States along with some in Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Based at the University of Virginia, the growing collaboration focuses on sharing best practices and is committed to research, acknowledgement and atonement concerning the universities’ ties to the slave trade and its aftermath.

“The process of studying our own history is multi-faceted, and joining this consortium connects us to other universities that are doing this kind of work,” said Alison Parker, Richards Professor of History and chair of UD’s Department of History. “The primary benefit of being in the consortium is that we can all benefit from the expertise of others.”

At UD, the commitment to study the institution’s ties to slavery grew out of the grassroots Anti-Racism Initiative, which was formed in summer 2020 by faculty, staff and students to address systemic racism throughout the nation. More than 350 faculty, staff and students have joined the initiative and created more than 20 subcommittees.

One of the initiative’s objectives is to study how behavior, culture and history contribute to racism, and the Subcommittee on the Legacies of Enslavement and Dispossession at UD was formed to specifically research that aspect of the subject.

“This is just one of many projects the Anti-Racism Initiative is involved in, but it’s an important one,” Parker said. “We think that, as an institution, it’s essential to study and understand our own history.”

The research involving UD’s history, like the larger initiative, is a University-wide effort and commitment, she said. UD’s application to join the USS consortium was made with the full and formal support of President Dennis Assanis and Provost Robin Morgan.

“To join USS, the entire institution has to be committed to this work, and at UD, it is,” Parker said.

In announcing that UD has joined the consortium, USS said that being part of the collaboration will help the University in its mission of prioritizing racial justice and antiracism work and research. The consortium “allows participating institutions to work together as they address both historical and contemporary issues dealing with race and inequality in higher education and in university communities,” USS said. “Together, the growing movement of schools committed to this work seeks to address the complicated legacies of slavery in the modern world.”

At UD, from summer 2020 through this summer, 21 undergraduate and two graduate students have worked or are continuing to work on uncovering the school’s history. In fall 2021, a newly approved undergraduate/graduate research course, team-taught and cross-listed in several different departments, will allow more students to be involved. Students in this recurring research seminar, “Race and Inequality in Delaware,” will do their own research projects, at first focusing on the UD’s historical ties to slaveholders who founded the University or sold their land to the institution.

This fall, the course will be taught by Dael Norwood and Laura Helton, both assistant professors of history, who will supervise students as they conduct archival research, work with community historians and publicly engage the UD and Newark communities in conversations about the ramifications of past social injustice, Norwood said.

Also in fall semester, Roger Horowitz, adjunct professor of history and director of the Center for the History of Business, Technology and Society at the Hagley Museum and Library, will lead a seminar training students to use oral history interviews to document the historical experiences of African American employees and students at UD, as well as some key Newark community members. Horowitz is collaborating on this project with the founding members of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority at UD.

“Joining Universities Studying Slavery will be helpful to our work, as we look at the different models and approaches that others have taken in their research,” Norwood said. “We want to move forward as quickly as possible, because there’s a lot of enthusiasm for this work, and it’s a big task.”

Research focused on UD is different from some other institutions, particularly in the South where a school may have been literally built by enslaved people, because Delaware’s history is different, Norwood said. The state had a large number of people “in various forms of bondage and indenture,” he said, and so archival records can be more varied and difficult to search out.

Student researchers last spring and this summer “are casting a wide net to see what we can find in preparation for the fall classes and beyond,” he said. The work is attracting not only history majors but students from other disciplines as well.

Research has been and continues to be conducted by students including Callahan Fellows, undergraduates funded by the history department doing independent research projects; Unequal Justice Public History Fellows, a project in which UD is a partner with the Delaware Historical Society; Anti-Racism Initiative undergraduate research assistant Elisa Davila, who has been examining the Land Records files in University Archives; and the initiative’s four undergraduate Summer Research Assistants, who will be working throughout this summer.

In the Anti-Racism Initiative’s announcement of UD having joined USS, the initiative’s co-chairs — K.C. Morrison, professor in the Biden School of Public Policy and Administration; Lynnette Overby, professor of theatre and deputy director of UD’s Community Engagement Initiative; and Parker — noted the importance of research.

“UD recognizes that research universities play a major role in fostering ongoing social change in society and must take the lead in ensuring that we have a fair and equitable society free of racial injustices and racism,” they said in a combined statement.

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Looking Back To Look Beyond Article by Ann Manser, AS73

Posted on June 29, 2021 at: 2:14 pm

UD alumna Jody Allen directs the groundbreaking research and reconciliation project at William & Mary that explores the university’s history related to slavery and segregation.

Jody Allen started her academic career at UD as an undergraduate with thoughts of law school, went on to attend graduate school instead and then to work in higher education for several years before returning to her first love—history—and earning a doctorate in that field.

All those experiences led her to the position she has today as an assistant professor at the College of William and Mary and the Robert Francis Engs Director of the groundbreaking research and reconciliation project that explores the university’s history related to slavery and segregation. The Lemon Project, named for a man the college once enslaved, was established in 2009 as only the second such initiative in the U.S., after Brown University, but which is now part of a growing network of similar projects.

“It’s been a twisting path,” Allen says of her career, “but I really feel that I’ve found where I want to be. And all those things I learned working in residence life and student affairs [at universities]—I still use those every day.”

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Grace Lee Boggs: Fighting for All of US

Posted on May 25, 2021 at: 1:17 pm

Contributing Reporter/UD Review

Grace Lee Boggs was a social activist who played a vital role during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. She is one of the most famous Asian Americans in United States history who stood alongside hundreds of other activists to ensure equality and justice for all.

“When we thought about the history of political activism and solidarity, we immediately thought of this woman, who spent decades living and fighting for all of us,” Peter Feng, associate professor of English at the University of Delaware, said.

On May 5, the University of Delaware’s Anti-Racism Initiative (UDARI) presented a webinar entitled, “Legacy of Grace Lee Boggs.” Filmmaker Grace Lee of “American Revolutionary: Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs” was the invited panelist. The webinar was co-moderated by Peter Feng and Delaware House of Representatives member Madinah Wilson-Anton, D-Newark. Members from the university community, including graduate and undergraduate students, participated in the structured Q&A. All participants had the opportunity to engage in an hour-long conversation about the civil rights movement, the influence Boggs has had and how the films were created.

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Fighting for All: Thank you & Acknowlegement

Posted on May 24, 2021 at: 11:29 am

With your support, our project Fighting for All: Cross-racial Anti-racism had a great start with the events on April 28 and May 5 on legacies of Yuri Kochiyama and Grace Lee Boggs.  The Review recently published an article on the project.  

We thank first and foremost the UDARI leadership (Alison Parker, KC Morrison, and Lynnette Overby) whose grant enabled us to take on this challenging yet rewarding task, and we thank Doug Tobias and Debbie Hartnett who oversee and manage our grant.

With heartfelt gratitude, we thank the OEI Chief Officer Fatimah Conley, Vice Provost Vaughan, Kasandra Moye, and Adam Foley, Stefanie Chang, Dana Perry, Alice Moore for their unwavering support. Their guidance and assistance are indispensable.

We are most grateful to Vice President Morrison, Director Doug Zander, and the Admissions-Event & Communication team (Adam Shutz, John Cogan, and Marianne Nagengast), for helping us reach out to all high schools in Delaware, in addition to dozens more in nearby states.  Your support is essential to our hope for cross-racial unity in future Delaware. Thank you!

We thank UD’s Morris Library and Meghann Matwichuk for acquiring perpetual rights to stream Yuri Kochiyama: Passion of Justice and American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs. 

We thank Rea Tajiri, Grace Lee, Gooddocs, and Women Make Movies for allowing us to distribute their films with 14-day streaming rights to participating high schools and youth groups in Delaware.

We thank all UD panelists: Madinah Wilson-Anton (co-moderator of both events with Peter Feng), Jennifer Semrau, Marissa McClenton, Angela Yu, Danni Statia. We thank the Women’s Caucus for sending their board member to participate. 

We are grateful to Chris Martin and UD-Event for overseeing the webinars.

We are grateful to both Tara Kee and the Biden Institute administrators, who shared with us their experiences and logistics in handling major public events.  

Most importantly, we thank our sponsors: The OEI, Morris Library, Student Diversity and Inclusion, Center for Black Culture, Center for Global Studies, Departments of Art Conservation, Art History, English, History, and Japanese Studies Program.  We also thank Dean Pelesko and the College of Arts and Sciences for generously considering assisting us with the cost of the POM process. 

Thank you.

Sincerely and with appreciation,

UDARI-Asian American subcommittee

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