Attached please find an advertisement for a Brown Bag presentation on November 17th at 3:30pm in Gore 204. Dr. James Jones, Dr. Wunyarbari Maloba, and myself (as moderator) will have a lively discussion about the
impact of Black Studies on Global Culture and its future in the Academy. We hope you can attend. Please mark your calendar.
Best regards, Carol
Carol E. Henderson, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Chair, Department of Black American Studies
417A Ewing Hall University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716
(302) 831-6330 office (302) 831-6063 fax
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate….Our deepest fear isthat we are powerful beyond measure.” –Marianne Williamson
Recent Publications:
Imagining the Black Female Body, Ed. –
America and the Black Body, Ed. www.fdupress