AHC Programs
Networking | Mentoring | Advocacy
Proposed Committees
Committees meet for 1 hour approximately 4-5 times a year
Member Recognition
Recommend and support Caucus activities to recognize recent retirees from our community, particularly during the annual end-of-academic-year gathering.
Website Administration
Recommend improvements to website content and appearance, in addition to completing regular updates.
Event Planning
Plan and support Caucus events, such as professional development and social activities, throughout the academic year.
Student Engagement
Identify opportunities to connect Caucus members with students who identify with the African Heritage community.
Faculty Support Program
Despite ongoing efforts at recruitment and retention, Black faculty remain underrepresented in the professoriate, while an increasingly diverse student body seeks access to higher education. In 2022, 4.9% of UD full-time faculty and 4% of UD full professors self-identified as Black (1), indicating a critical need to bolster recruitment, retention, and promotion efforts within this population. To this end, the objectives of the Faculty Support Program are 1) to foster the professional development and advancement of Black faculty, and 2) to provide resources to increase promotion and retention of early and mid-career Black faculty. Our program relies on informal support from senior Black faculty across Colleges where Black junior and mid-career faculty reside.
(1) Source: UD HR Official and Daily Extract
Target Audience: Full-time faculty
Role of Faculty Support Contacts: to provide support to faculty, secondary to the primary faculty mentor, for navigating department, college, university, and/or promotion processes
Resources for Faculty
Faculty Support Contacts
College of Arts and Sciences
Theodore J. Davis, PhD
Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations
Lerner College of Business and Economics
Francis Kwansa, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Hospitality and Sports Business Management
College of Education and Human Development
Mellissa Gordon, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
College of Engineering
Thomas H. Epps, III, PhD
Allan & Myra Ferguson Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
College of Engineering
LaShanda Korley, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
College of Health Sciences
Gregory E. Hicks, PT, PhD, FAPTA, FGSA
Distinguished Professor of Health Sciences and Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
College of Health Sciences
Regina S. Wright, PhD, FGSA
Professor, School of Nursing, Associate Dean for DEI, College of Health Sciences