University of Delaware Police Lt. Vince Shipman, along with 259 other law enforcement officers, graduated from the FBI National Academy Program at Quantico, VA., on June 18.

Internationally known for its academic excellence, the National Academy Program, held at the FBI Academy, offers 10 weeks of advanced investigative, management, and fitness training for selected officers having proven records as professionals within their agencies. On average, these officers have 19 years of law experience and usually return to their agencies to serve in executive-level positions.

Shipman has worked for the University of Delaware Police for more than 22 years. In the Department of Public Safety he has worked as a patrol officer and community policing officer, as well as in the criminal investigations section. He has been a shift commander and watch commander, and is currently the patrol operations lieutenant.

Shipman received a master’s degree in educational leadership from UD in 2003.

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