Sample Submission

On-campus sample submissions:

  1. Make sure to have a valid iLab account.
  2. Fill out a sample submission data sheet.
  3. Bring your sample to the XCL and place it in the sample fridge. Else, in the data sheet specify the location of your sample. Leave the data sheet on top of the fridge.
  4. Email to let me know your sample is there.

Off-campus sample submissions:

  1. Fill out a sample submission data sheet.
  2. Send your sample by courier services like FedEx or UPS:
    • University of Delaware
      Fisher Chemistry Stockroom
      063 Brown Laboratory
      163 The Green
      Newark DE 19716 2502
      ATTN: Glenn Yap
  3. Email with the tracking number to let me know your sample is on the way.