XCL Overview

The X-ray Crystallography Laboratory of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry conducts characterizations by X-ray diffraction of small-molecule organic or inorganic crystals and macromolecular crystals submitted primarily by the Department. As an extension service, this core facility also accepts sample submissions from other departments of the University, and from local, national, and international collaborators of academe and industry. The XCL director routinely maintains NDAs for services to industry. The facility also serves as an ancillary graduate research laboratory for selected graduate students pursuing studies leading to a doctorate degree. 

Small-molecule structural studies may be performed on a dual wavelength Bruker AXS Duo (Mo & Cu) diffractometer or a D8 Venture diffractometer equipped with imuS Diamond, a high-brilliance Cu-source.

Typical turn-around times under average conditions, from start of data-collection to completely refined small-molecule structure, may range from a few hours to a few days.

Macromolecular studies are perfomed on a D8 Venture diffractometer.

The XCL requests that papers with small-molecule structures obtained after 2011 at this laboratory to acknowledge NSF CRIF grant 1048367, PI: K.H. Theopold, “Acquisition of a Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometer.” In addition to papers with macromolecular data or involved preliminary screenings prior to beamline submission, papers with small-molecule structures obtained after 2020 should also acknowledge NIH grant S10 OD026896A, PI: B. J. Bahnson, “Macromolecular X-ray Crystallographic Data Collection System” since the Photon detector upgrade for the Duo is part of the funded negotiated diffractometer purchase agreement for the D8 Venture macromolecular diffractometer. Papers acknowledging NIH S10 OD026896A are listed at NCBI.

Completed structures can be accessed through the web. To register for the secure web server, please send an email message with an account name and password.

Additional laboratory information ​(university electronic credentials required) is available.

Sample submission form suitable for accompanying information for crystal samples. Do not submit the Google form but print it out instead. Fill in the synthetic route and proposed structure manually.

Guide to crystal growing by Prof. Paul D. Boyle, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada: locally mirrored with his permission or at his site.

An Acta Crystallographica C best practice series paper “How to grow crystals for X-ray crystallography” by Roger D. Sommer can be accessed at https://journals.iucr.org/c/issues/2024/08/00/ky3227/index.html.

Need to find a suitable solvent for your crystallization? See Appendix A. Properties, Purification, and Use of Organic Solvents, Christian Reichardt, Thomas Welton. “Solvents and Solvent Effects in Organic Chemistry, 4th Ed. 2011. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. DOI:10.1002/9783527632220

Read the Delaware Radiation Control Regulations.


Directi​ons to the department.

Campus map: The X-ray Crystallography Laboratory is located at Drake Hall and the office is in Brown Laboratory on the Green. Visitor parking is on lot 41 in the Visitors’ Center across South College Avenue from Morris Library.

Contact Information

Dr. Glenn P. A. Yap – gpyap@udel.edu

236 Brown Laboratory
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716

Office telephone: 302-831-4441
Laboratory telephone: 302-831-4345
Fax: 302-831-6335