Happy Valley Invitational 2020

The Blue Hens had a promising close to the ever so quick indoor track season today at the Happy Valley Invitational in State College, PA! With two new top ten times and several PRs, it’s clear that the team is ready to set some speedy outdoor bests in the coming weeks. Full results can be found here.

For women’s sprints, Brittany Georges dominated the field, taking second in both the 60m and 200-meter dash, with times of 8.61 and 27.92, respectively. Georges also took to the long jump pit and set a new club record of 4.17 meters, good for 3rd place in the entire meet.

For men’s field events, Brandon Lichtenstein improved his position on the all-time list in the long jump to #7(tied) with a jump of 5.86, gaining him 5th place at the meet!

In women’s distance, captain Elise LaFramboise improved her #7 spot on the all-time 3k performance list by .03 seconds while junior Emily Magoon just missed her 3k PR and #5 performance of 11:42.8 by 3.17 seconds- not bad considering she had just run the 1600 for the DMR!

Men’s distance did particularly well at the meet today, with sophomore Patrick LaPorte set himself a shiny new indoor PR in the 800 with a time of 1:59.05, good for 3rd place out of 33 runners at the meet and 7th on the all-time performance list.

Senior Brendan Jones also represented the distance crew as he dominated in the 3k, setting a PR of 24 seconds with a time of 9:11.05, earning him 4th in a field of 26 and #9 on the all-time performance list.

The next race for the Hens will be at the Lloyd Sigler Spring Meet on March 7th in Salisbury, MD.


All smiles after a great day in PA!

ESU DeSchriver Invitational 2020

With winter session coming to a close, three of UDXC’s athletes took to the track on Saturday, February 1 to dust off the ‘ol track spikes. Full results can be found here.

Junior Matthew Ward placed 8th in the 400 meter dash with a time of 54.27. Senior Emma Lesnevich ran a speedy 200 with a time of 32.67, good for third in her heat and 20th overall.

Senior Brendan Jones doubled up on distance events, running both the mile and the 3k for quite the double whammy! In the mile, Jones placed 5th overall with a time of 4:33.54. Just a few hours later, Jones came back and hopped into the 3k where he nabbed 2nd placed with an astounding time of 9:34.92.

Up next, the Blue Hens will be competing February 15th at the Happy Valley Invitational in PA!

Fastrack Metro Opener 2019

The smell of Biofreeze and gunpowder wafted through the Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex  Friday, December 6th as the Collegiate Indoor track season began. Five new additions to the all-time performance list stood out amongst a huge field of incredible races. Results can be found here

The Fastrack Metro Season Opener  is a huge meet for UD as the meet draws incredible competition from schools across the East Coast. This year, the Blue Hens had some incredible performances, showing the depth of the team and huge potential for a great showing in the outdoor season.

For the women, freshman Cassidy McCormick dominated the charts, claiming #2 on the all-time performance list for the indoor 400 with a time of 1:06.31. Shortly thereafter, McCormick came back to place 14th in a field of 33 runners in the 800 with a time of 2:33.37. This puts her #4 on the all time performance list, and is the fastest 800 run on an indoor track by one of our athletes in five years! 

Sophomore Kate Contini shined in the 200, winning her heat and running a speedy 29.36 for a #4 all-time performance. Senior Matthew Ward brought some major fire to the track with a 51.6 in the 400, putting him #7 on the all-time performance list! 

Both the men’s and women’s miles were absolutely loaded with UDXC runners. Sophomore Pat LaPorte placed 15th in a field of 48 men with a time of 4:47.1, followed shortly by Paul Filipow in 25th place with a time of 4:52.94. 

Elise LaFramboise (5:54.17) and Emily Magoon(5:55.78) utilized the pack running techniques they perfected from cross country, coming in just 1.61 seconds apart for 20th and 21st place, respectively. 

Magoon doubled up in the 3k, dizzying spectators with 15 laps on the tiny track while dropping an incredible 11:54.15, just 12 seconds off her #4 all-time performance of 11:42.8! 

A huge shoutout to former president and UD alum Sean Goodwin (19’) who ran a 10:04.27 in the 3k! 

Next for the Blue Hens is the Collegeville Classic at Collegeville, PA on January 25th. 



Cassidy McCormick dominated both the women's 400 and 800 for UDXC

Cassidy McCormick dominated both the women’s 400 and 800 for UDXC

Pat LaPorte and Paul Filipow kicked some serious butt in the mile!

NIRCA Nationals 2019: Mechanicsville, VA

A sharp wind cut through Pole Green Park on Saturday morning, sending shockwaves of cold through the thousands of runners that trampled their way to the NIRCA Nationals finish line in Mechanicsville, VA. In an epic end to the 2019 cross country season, UDXC saw the largest number of finishers in club history with a total of 37 runners claiming their own personal victories under the UD name. Full results can be found here

The girls closed off an incredible season with a fierce battle again 212 of some of the best runners in NIRCA, ultimately walking away with 19th place. Pack running has been the primary strategy for the girl’s team this season, and it didn’t let them down here, as every runner paired or tripled up with a buddy at some point throughout the race. 

In true NIRCA fashion, the course was a bit longer than a 6k, which means times were a little off, as such, both the official race time and the converted 6k time will be listed throughout.

Seniors Abby Kaye and Emma Bateman ended their collegiate cross country career with a bang, crossing the line in 24:33.2 (24:01 6k) and 24:54.3 (24:21), respectfully. The team will miss the seniors and the energy, wisdom, and grace they so effortlessly exuded and passed on.

Emily Magoon blasted through the finish line in 25:02 (24:30) with Allison Einig hot on her heels in 25:05.3 (24:33), and Talia Brookstein-Burke close behind in 25:17.9 (24:45). This tight pack resulted in a stunning 1-5 split of just 44 seconds. 

Ana Dacey and Elise LaFramboise rounded out the top seven, running times of 25:40.1 (25:07) and 25:56.9 (25:23), respectfully. The top seven girls fought hard throughout the whole season to stay healthy, and while there were some bumps along the way, the diligence and passion of the team ultimately propelled them to the third fastest average time in club history. 

The girls saw incredible finishes from those in the grade-races as well, with Sophomore Rachel Handleman running 24:45 (24:13) for 14th place out of 195 runners in the fresh/soph race! Freshman Maddie Ciskowski also did extremely well in this race, placing 30th with a time of 25:21.2 (24:48). 

In the women’s junior/senior race, Madison Shuler was the first finisher for UD, coming in at 26:26.5 (25:52), followed closely behind by Emily Hansell in 26:51.5 (26:17), Mara Crispin in 26:56 (26:21), and Caroline O’Gorman in 29:20 (28:42). 

The men did not compete in the Championship race, but they had some incredible finishes in the grade races, which also ended up measuring a bit too long. As such, times have been adjusted to reflect both the official times and the converted 8k time. Schulyer Reed crossed the line in 28:00.7 (27:17 8k), followed by John Papadopoulos about 45 seconds later in 28:46.2 (28:02).

In the junior/senior race, seniors Evan Massa, Ray Smith, Michael Rubin, and Jacob Ewing raced their last cross country meet of their college career, and did so with gusto. The four boys placed 55th,154th, 163rd, and 223rd in a race of 275 men.  

With the cross country season at an end, the Hens will turn their attention towards track, with the first indoor meet scheduled for December 6th at the Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex.

The girls placed 19th overall in the Championship Race (From left, Talia Brookstein-Burke, Emily Magoon, Elise LaFramboise, Allison Einig, Abby Kaye, and Emma Bateman)

The girls placed 19th overall in the Championship Race (From left, Talia Brookstein-Burke, Emily Magoon, Elise LaFramboise, Allison Einig, Abby Kaye, and Emma Bateman)

Rachel Handleman placed 14th overall in the women's fresh/soph race

Rachel Handleman placed 14th overall in the women’s fresh/soph race

Schuyler Reed ran the fastest time for the boys at NIRCA Nationals

Schuyler Reed ran the fastest time for the boys at NIRCA Nationals

Seniors Michael Rubin (from left), Ray Smith, and Evan Massa pose with junior Jacob Henry after their last cross country race of their collegiate career

Seniors Michael Rubin (from left), Ray Smith, and Evan Massa pose with junior Jacob Henry after their last cross country race of their collegiate career

President Evan Driscoll did not leave a single UDXC runner behind in Virginia

President Evan Driscoll did not leave a single UDXC runner behind in Virginia

NIRCA Regionals 2019: Utica Park, MD

The sun crept into the sky eerily Saturday morning, illuminating a gaggle of deserted runners in the parking lot off North College Ave at six in the morning. It wasn’t for another hour that the regional bound runners would be hastily shepherded onto a commandeered school bus with just three hours to make it to the NIRCA Regional race in Frederick, Maryland. 

The bus creaked its way into Utica Park 30 minutes before the girl’s race was scheduled to go off, sending pangs of nerves through the girls who scrambled through half-completed warmups to make it to the line on time.

To qualify for the championship race at NIRCA Nationals in November, the girls needed to be in the top nine teams. Despite a rocky start, the girls had a phenomenal performance, conquering the thick grass of Utica Park and placing seventh overall.

For the girls, this season has been one of a constantly shifting top seven and steadily shrinking 1-5 gap as the depth of the team became more and more pronounced. Leading the way for the first time this season was senior Abby Kaye, who ran an astounding time of 24:21.4, good for 35th place in a race of 235 girls.

Kaye led the race from the start, going out fast with a 6:11 mile, and pushing through to close the last .72 at a speedy 6:29 pace. Emma Bateman, a consistent top-five runner, moved through the packs and steadily gained on Kaye, coming through with a time of 24:39.5 and earning herself 45th place.

The rest of the top five relentlessly pushed through the race with the ultimate pack mentality. Emily Magoon (24:54.0), Elise LaFramboise (24:55.5), and Talia Brookstein-Burke (24:55.7) used one another to get through the course, running the vast majority of the race in a tight 1-2-3 formation. The girls finished within 1.7 seconds of each other, placing 53rd, 54th, and 55th, respectfully. 

Coming in hot on their heels was Allison Einig for 60th place in 25:08.0, followed by Ana Dacey in 83rd place with a time of 25:41.1 to round out the top seven. The resilience of the girls and their natural reliance on fellow team members as motivation is what ultimately got them to a 1-5 split of just 34.3 seconds.  

Several girls had incredible PRs, including sophomore Samantha Sullivan who dropped 47 seconds , Catherine Wood who bested her PR by 57 seconds, Madison Shuler who dropped 37 seconds off her previous best time, and Caroline O’Gorman who shaved off almost a full minute!  

While the boys had the full hour to warm up, they, unfortunately, had to face a course of endless loops during their race that threatened to make even the spectators dizzy. The boys needed to place in the top ten teams to qualify for the championship race at Nationals. While they fell just short of that goal with a 12th place finish, they ran incredibly well and saw some great new PRs! 

Lead runner Michael Murphy had to drop out of the race after beginning to feel severely light-headed, luckily, sophomore Schuyler Reed stepped up and led for the second half of the race, coming in first for the guys with a time of 27:09.2 in 59th place. 

Senior Evan Massa was second for the boys, coming in with a time of 27:30.9 and breaking his previous 8k PR by 4 seconds. Shortly behind Massa was senior Brendan Jones in a time 27:44.4. 

Capping off the top seven were John Papadopoulos (27:52.10), Paul Filipow (28:46.2), Tim Fenton (29:29.6), and Jacob Henry (29:30.7), who shaved a total of 20 seconds off his PR! 

The boy’s team also saw a slew of crazy PRs, with sophomore Pisey Yun slashing over a minute off his previous time and Jonathon Craig dropping 10 seconds from his time in addition to all the PRs in the top seven. 

The resilience of the team was tested by the difficult circumstances and mentally challenging course, but if this was a test, the Blue Hens surely passed with flying colors. 

On November 16th, the Blue Hens will travel to Richmond, VA for NIRCA Nationals. The top seven girls will compete in the Championship race, while the rest of the girl’s team and the entire men’s team will race in the age-categories races (fresh/soph and junior/senior) Let’s hope for fewer loops and above-freezing weather, folks! 

Full results can be found here

Senior Abby Kaye came in first for the blue hens at the NIRCA Regionals meet (Photography by Magoon Family)

Allison Einig(from left), Emily Magoon, Elise LaFramboise, and Talia Brookstein-Burke pack it up near mile 3. (Photography by Magoon Family)

Emily Magoon (from left), Ana Dacey, Talia Brookstein-Burke,Emma Bateman Allison Einig, Abby Kaye, and Elise LaFramboise will be representing the girls for the Championship race at NIRCA Nationals (Photography by Emily Hansell)

Schuyler Reed was the first blue hen for the guy’s team (Photography by Magoon Family)

Evan Massa PR’d by 4 seconds and got to run next to this guy with cool short (Photography by Magoon Family)

Tim Fenton (from left), Brendan Jones, Paul Filipow, Schuyler Reed,John Papodopolous, Evan Massa, and Jacob Henry were the top 7 for the boy’s team.