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RAPID development of a local epidemiological population balance model informed by UAV and WVD data.
Go here: https://sites.udel.edu/udcovidmodel/
Colloidal Suspension Rheology– companion study site with Q&A and updates to the book. Colloidal Suspension Rheology (Cambridge University Press, 2011)
In the News
2023 Journal of Rheology Best Paper Award
Julie B. Hipp1, Jeffrey J. Richards2, and Norman J. Wagner1
1 University of Delaware, 2Northwestern University
Direct measurements of the microstructural origin of shear-thinning in carbon black suspensions
J. Rheol. 65145 (2021)
Scilight: https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0003503

Neutron Scattering Society of America awards Prof. Wagner the 2018 Sustained Research Prize at the American Conference on Neutron Scattering in College Park Md., July 2018
shown at SXSW 2017!
view the movie here:
Protective Materials for First Responders, Football Players, and Astronauts: Shear Thickening Fluids
Originally delivered Aug 30, 2017

2/21/2017 Prof. Wagner delivers American Chemical Society Webinar– Chemistry of Sports

Future Protective Materials for First Responders, Football Players, and Astronauts: Shear Thickening Fluids – American Chemical Society American Chemical Society: Chemistry for Life.
What’s Hot
Our work on monoclonal antibodies with Genentech is in the news!
Working with Genentech and NIST, our work helps cancer treatment drugs get past their sticking point C&E News item BioPharma Reporter item
The schematic on the cover illustrates a shear-induced hexagonal close-packed crystal structure formed in concentrated Pluronic F127/ethylammonium nitrate solutions, along with small angle neutron scattering 2D patterns measured
perpendicular to the three planes of flow, adapted from Figure 11 of the paper by López-Barrón, Wagner, and Porcar ( Journal of Rheology 59(3) (2015) p. 793)