Research Activities
- Evolutionary biology of honey bees
- Pollination ecology
- Population genetics of honey bees in the Unites States
- Genetic characterization of unmanaged honey bee populations
- Feral Bee Project
- online library of bee-collected and flower-produced pollen
Professional Affiliations
- Entomological Society of America
- International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI)
- Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium (MAAREC)
Graduate Student Projects
- Menz, John- In progress. Removing Obstacles to Genetic Host Resistance in the US Beekeeping Industry. Expected 2020.
- Afraa Al Hchaimi- M.S. Entomology. 2018
- Evans, Kathleen- An integrated IPM Program Using Non-chemical Controls to Manage Parasites in Honey Bee Colonies. M.S. in Entomology. Expected 2014.
- Gardner, David- Assessment of Native Pollinator Health and Diversity in Urban Forest Fragments. M.S. in Entomology. Expected 2014
- Cass, Owen- Determining the ecological role of flowering plants as nutritional forage for pollinators: You are what you eat! M.S. in Entomology. Expected 2014
- Darger, Katherine- Delineating levels of Africanization in unmanaged honey bee populations along the east coast. M. S. Entomology. 2013
- Marchese, Jacquelyn- Development of best management practices for the management of commercial bumble bees in vegetable and fruit crops in Delaware. M.S. Entomology. 2013
Undergraduate Student Projects
- Sammarco, Ben- Effects of Simulated Honey Bee Hyperpolyandry in Colony Health. 2019
- Stoltz, Christian- Utilizing Digital Scale Technology to Track Hive Productivity and Health. 2018