Where can I buy University of Delaware honey?

UD sells locally produced raw wildflower honey seasonally. Our honey is available in 1lb jars at the following locations. To purchase honey in bulk or to become a retailer, contact us.

Little Goat Coffee in downtown Newark, DE

The UDairy Creamery on South Campus in Newark, DE

The UD Bookstore on Main Street, Newark, DE

Rooted. on Main Street, Newark, DE

Newark Natural Foods in the Newark Shopping Center

Help! I have bees in my house/tree/sidewalk/etc.!

UD does not routinely collect honey bee swarms or feral colonies. For help with bee removals, contact one of our local beekeeping clubs for a list of experienced beekeepers who can help you out. *Swarms (a cluster of bees hanging in a tree or similar) removals are usually free of charge. However a “cut out” (removing an established colony from within a structure) should be performed by a qualified beekeeper, and usually includes a fee.

Delaware Beekeepers Association

Chester County Beekeepers Association

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