Spring 2024 Course: AGRI 217 – Leadership and Communication in Agriculture

This Spring 2024, Register for AGRI 217 – Leadership and Communication in Agriculture!

Communication skills as they relate to leadership styles will be explored. Practical experience in oral and written communication as well as social media will occur with a hybrid course with one session in class and one online.

Students will have multiple opportunities for experiential learning in the face-to-face class on Tuesday so class attendance and participation are a requirement. The Thursday asynchronous class will include recorded lecture information, video, discussions online and assignments related to the lecture. If students are on campus, they are expected to attend the session in person, unless there is an illness situation.

The course will focus on leadership and include a section exploring theories, principles of leadership, leadership styles including a personal assessment, followership, power, and ethics. Students will have written assignments and online discussions and conclude this segment of the course with a written and verbal presentation of their leadership philosophy.

Oral and Written communication will be a skill building section of the course with experiential learning around these forms of communication. Students will have written assignments of various types, will evaluate various written and oral communication styles, make oral presentations and complete tests.

Digital Communications will include current best practices related to social media. A basic understanding of each social media form, as well as evaluating digital communications strategies appropriate for the tool will occur through practical assignments and discussion.
