White Clay Creek State Park Volunteer Opportunity

Join in to remove invasive plants at White Clay Creek State Park. Volunteers will work at Nine Foot Road on Saturday November 26 and Saturday December 3, from 1pm to 3pm.  It’s perfect timing! Help take out invasive shrubs and make space for our beautiful native plants. Invasive Autumn Olive retains its leaves long after our native shrubs and has a shiny silver underside, making it easier to identify. But, we’ve got to tackle it before it loses its leaves too! Come out this fall and help us lop down this invader. You’ll learn how to identify it and why it’s so harmful to the health of our forests. We can’t wait to see you there!

All skill levels are welcome and all tools will be provided.

*Rain or snow in the forecast can cancel the event.
For more information, please contact Ann Burruss, ann.burruss@delaware.gov
