University of Delaware Alternative Breaks (UDaB) immerses student-led teams in direct service and experiential learning with community organizations to increase knowledge of social justice issues and encourage life-long active citizenship. UDaB programs consist of a weeklong experience to work with a community over winter or spring break. Each program has a focus area that ranges from the environmental stewardship to healthcare access to disability justice and much more and involves significant education of such focus area(s) before, during, and after the alternative break. Partial scholarships are made available based on financial aid.

Applications for UDaB Spring 2020 programs are open now, until October 7th at 11:59pm. You can apply online here. To learn more about our 24 opportunities visit our website at https://sites.udel.edu/sdi-udab/programs-2020/

Email bluehenbreaks@udel.edu with any questions!
