The Farm at Our House Farm seeks a Manager/Co-Owner motivated self-starter who is willing to make a significant financial and time commitment to manage the production, development, marketing and sales of organically certified mixed vegetables, small fruits, pastured eggs and shiitake mushrooms on and off the farm. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to farm full time in Montgomery County, Maryland. The Manager/Co-Owner plays a critical role in working with the existing owner, who is also a full time high school teacher during the school year, to lead the farm management team and provide oversight of full time employees, college interns, Our House residents and high school volunteers in the summer. The Manager/Co-Owner must be willing and able to collaboratively oversee the entire farm operation.
Responsibilities in Partnership with Existing Owner:
· Management— supervise and lead 2 other farm management team members, 2-4 college interns, Our House trainees, and seasonal high school employees.
· Production—lead and perform field work, including supervision of staff: planting, cultivation, irrigation, harvesting, packing of crops, and care of laying hens; assist with mushroom production, equipment maintenance/repair, capital projects, and care of 8 acre field.
· Marketing—possibly represent farm at one or more weekly farmers markets or CSA pickup site; ensure delivery of produce to wholesale customers; manage produce allocation among markets, wholesale and CSA; contribute to newsletter, website, and marketing materials.
· Administration—play a lead role in budgeting, crop rotation planning, crop/variety selection, capital project planning; coordinate with Our House leadership and staff; communicate with CSA members; ensure work is documented and organic certification requirements are met.
· Business Development- Help develop a long-term business strategy, share responsibility for the farm’s continued existence and future development.
Estimated Time Allotment:
Open to negotiation, but might look like the following:
Production and on-farm supervision: about 60% of time
Marketing: about 20% of time
Administration: about 20% of time
Required Qualifications:
Minimum of three years of farming experience, basic tractor skills and understanding of tractor implement use and capability, seed starting and direct seeding knowledge, very good communication and organizational skills.
Desired Qualifications:
Experience working with at-risk young people, administrative and supervisory experience, marketing experience, small fruit expertise.
Negotiated with the co-owner on an annual basis, and based on the farm’s success. As an owner of the farm compensation is based on the farm’s success and negotiated with the co-owner on an annual basis.
Please forward resume, cover letter, and three references to farm owner, Marc Grossman, at or call him at 202 412 5698 with questions about this opportunity.
Summer Interns:
Summer interns work around 40 hours per week and are provided a weekly stipend of $200/week. Most of our summer interns are college students who begin in the spring and finish the season by mid to late August. We will work with your university to ensure that you receive credit for the internship if possible. No previous farming experience is required, but a strong desire to learn is obligatory. Interns receive free professional development opportunities in the form of farm visits and on the job tutorials. We cannot provide housing for our summer interns.
Summer Interns work side by side with the Farm Manager and Apprentices in marketing, production and to a lesser degree administration.
Please forward resume, cover letter, and three references to Marc
at marcgrossman2001@yahoo.comor call 202 412 5698 for
more information.