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Published on: Author: Colin Thorpe

The term “sulfhydryl oxidase” was introduced more than 50 years ago to describe an activity characterized from mammalian skin that catalyzed the reaction /// 2 R-SH +  O2  ->  R-S-S-R  +  H2O2   /// Later, enzymes from milk (1967) and seminal vesicles (1979) were found to catalyze the same reaction. In 1999 the Thorpe and Coppock… Continue reading

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Immunohistochemistry of QSOX

Published on: Author: Colin Thorpe

There are two QSOX orthologs in humans: QSOX1 and QSOX2. These images refer to the distribution of QSOX1 in human tissues and represent the unpublished observations of Dr. Donald L. Coppock, Dr. George K. Turi and their coworkers. The photomicrographs have been graciously provided by Dr. Coppock. The panels utilize an antibody raised against a… Continue reading

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