Join REGISTERED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS that support sustainability goals

Student Sustainability Alliance – SSA is a coalition of RSOs that strive to accomplish goals and projects that students are interested in regarding sustainability on and around campus.
Epsilon Eta – Epsilon Eta is a gender-inclusive professional environmental fraternity. We have 3 tiers including professional, social, and service. We are a group of like-mined individuals who have fun!
GIVE Volunteers – GIVE volunteers is a community-service-based student organization that prides itself on sustainability.
Students for the Environment – Students For The Environment seeks to educate, promote, and help both the campus and outside community with regards to the environment and sustainability.
Sunrise Newark – Sunrise Newark is a group of young people with a connection to the state of Delaware pushing for a more sustainable, compassionate future.

American Society of Landscape Architects at University of Delaware, The (ASLA@UD) – UD ASLA is a group of students interested in the field of Landscape Architecture and related fields, working together as a chapter with the American Society of Landscape Architects to
Beekeeping Club – The mission of the Organization shall be to educate ourselves and our community about bees and bee husbandry. Furthermore to apply our knowledge about bees in the form of beekeeping.
Blue Hen Birding – Blue Hen Birding’s mission is to enrich the lives of members through birding and experiencing nature.
Collegiate 4-H – Collegiate 4-H strives to increase the awareness of 4-H in the area; establish contact with regional and national 4-H organizations; provide local community service; and plan and provide aid in activities for 4-H youth and the community.
Collegiate Future Farmers of America – The National FFA Organization is a student run, career and technical student organization that promote and support agricultural education.
Earth, Ocean, and Environment Club – Earth, Ocean, and Environment Club aims to educate members about the natural world through planned events, hands on experiences, field trips and other related activities.
Entomology Club – We help to spread public awareness of and appreciation for insects and their importance in the environment and to society, as well as aid in Entomological research.
Horticulture Club – Do you like plants (or at least the idea of plants)? Then this is the club for you! We take trips most weekends to gardens, farms and parks in the greater Delaware area. Keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities!
Hydroponics Club – The mission of the hydroponics club is to provide students at UD hands on experience with hydroponic crop production.
Native Species Initiative – The organization will fulfill its stated purpose by gathering students to join local volunteers in public lands of the Newark, Delaware area to remove invasive plant species and replace them with native plant species.
Wildlife Society – The Wildlife Society is for students who enjoy the outdoors and are concerned about the environment. We hold biweekly meetings (Gore Hall, Room 303) on campus and participate in activities throughout the semester.

Sustainable Fashion Club – The Sustainable Fashion Club aims to provide sustainable alternatives and therefore direct actions that our members can take to support and promote the sustainable fashion industry.
Veg Club – Veg Club strives to promote, inform, and educate those currently practicing or those with interest in pursuing/further exploring a vegetarian, vegan, or meat-reduction lifestyle!

Wind Energy Club – The Wind Energy club is an interdisciplinary club that focuses on competing in the Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition

Engineers Without Borders – Engineers Without Borders at the University of Delaware is committed to designing and implementing sustainable solutions to problems in international developing communities and bridging cultural, economical, and political divides.

Blue Hen Bounty – We the only student-run food pantry on UD’s campus. BHB has continued to serve UD students, faculty, and staff members who are food insecure.
Food Recovery Network at University of Delaware – We fight food waste by recovering perishable food from UD’s dining halls (kindly catered by Aramark) that would otherwise go to waste. By donating UD’s excess food to the surrounding Newark community, we are helping to fight hunger too!

Charity Crossing – We strive to make a difference to the homeless and those in need by encouraging people to donate their time, food and clothing to make a difference in our community and the World. Connect – Share – Care
UNICEF @ UD – UNICEF @ UD strives to maintain and uphold the three core values of UNICEF: saving lives, building futures, and providing emergency relief; through awareness, fundraising and educating the campus and local community about our world’s children.
United Mission for Relief and Development – The purpose of the organization is to provide change to a community to current world problems.

Environmental Justice Project, The – The goal of The Environmental Justice Project (TEJP) is to educate and raise awareness within the UD community about environmental justice issues and how we can empower and assist afflicted communities.
Lattice Project, The – Students for Social Justice Education
March for Our Lives – “MFOL at UD” is established to empower and mobilize the students of the University of Delaware towards justice, safety, and equity for all in regards to gun violence-related issues.
Students Against Violence – The purpose of Students Against Violence is to provide a welcoming space and community for any victims or survivors of any type of violence including but not limited to sexual, racial, and gender violence. Meetings are open to current members only.
Students for Justice in Palestine – Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of Delaware is a diverse group of students organized on democratic principles to promote justice, human rights, liberation and self-determination of the Palestinian people.

Men of Distinction – We, as students at the University of Delaware, formed the organization known as Men of Distinction (M.O.D) to unite and empower Black male students for the purpose of achieving excellence of the highest standard.
Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources & Related Sciences – MANRRS at UD is tying every major to the agriculture and putting students in contact with the resources you need to join a career in the growing field!
Sisters On The Move – An organization dedicated to empowering young women of color to achieve excellence of the highest standard. We will inspire professional, physical, spiritual and educational growth by laying the foundation for the next generation of female leaders.
Women in STEM – The Women in STEM club at UD provides encouragement and support while providing the proper resources to make you successful at the University of Delaware and beyond!
Women’s Network, The – The Women’s Network was created for the purpose of creating a community of women that celebrates the desire to achieve, cultivating their ambition in order to prepare the next generation of leaders.

Nutrition & Dietetics Club – Nutrition and Dietetics Club at UD.
Outing Club – “Not all those who wander are lost…” (J.R.R. Tolkien)
PIH | Engage – PIH Engage is a network of community organizers and we are joining forces across the U.S. to advance the movement for global health equity.
Student Health Advisory Committee – The Student Health Advisory Committee works to provide health related information to students and improve accessibility to Student Health & Wellbeing services.
Yoga Club – Yoga Club is a student-instructed group that meets multiple times a week for free, all-levels yoga classes, specialty workshops, and events!