REU Research Presentations and Poster Preparation
Presentations of your research accomplished during the REU program will be held at the Undergraduate Research and Service Celebratory Symposium on Thursday, August 15, 2019, in the ISE Building (Harker Lab Lobby 9:00 am – 3:00 pm).
We will also hold an REU/Chemistry poster session on Thursday, August 8th, 2019 at the entrance to Brown Laboratory Hall between 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Please use the following template to begin your poster preparation: REU (Research Poster Template – 46 by 34)
You can use a different template but please set the poster dimensions as the recommended 46 inches wide by 34 inches high.
A few reminders with regards to the poster presentation/preparation:
Please include the University of Delaware and National Science foundation logos. We would appreciate it if you acknowledge support by NSF award 1560325.
For example: “This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1560325.”
Dress code is slightly more dressy than less causal and toward formal. See the example below.
Above: Former REU student presenting her research at the 2015 National ACS Conference in Denver, CO
Additional advice about presenting your posters and scientific presentations
If you want to learn about how to prepare a poster:
The Abcs of Poster Making (ASBMB)
UD Poster Poster Workshop 2018
Links from NYU about Scientific posters
Links adapted from Cornell University
From UNC –
Advice about title and abstract by JBC
Here is an explanation about how posters get judged: PosterRubrics
Here are some important things to consider in preparing your abstract before submission.
1. Give it an informative TITLE that will make sense to others.
2. List yourself as the FIRST AUTHOR along with your research sponsor/mentor. Other people who have contributed significantly to the work should be included as COAUTHORS. Provide department and institutional AFFILIATION as necessary.
3. The ABSTRACT should be concise, no more than 250 words long, and focus on what was done, why, and what it means.
4. The title, authors, and abstract (1-3 above) should be prepared ahead of time and approved by your sponsor/mentor before you submit it on-line as detailed below in item 7.
5. A brief acknowledgment of the funding source(s) should appear in a single line at the end of your abstract.
6. The poster should have an abstract, an introduction, and a neatly laid out description of what you did and what you found out. It should end with a summary and conclusions section. The more you can conceptualize in pictures, diagrams, and graphs and the less you put in words, the better. Use bulleted statements rather than paragraphs when possible. Also, include an acknowledgment of who funded you.
7. Ask your lab mates to review and edit your poster prior to sending it to Sharon.
8. Tips on poster preparation and UD logos can be found at
9. The standard poster sizes are 34 inches high (max) inches by 40-46 inches wide. There are several printers on campus that print posters of this size. We use the one in Smith Hall. We will print the posters for you but in case you are curious, printing instructions are at
10. Examples of posters prepared by REU students and Sharon’s group can be found on google drive