
Research Projects for Prospective Graduate Students

(contact me at plechac at for more details)

  1. Computational methods for simulation of quantum systems.
    Numerical methods for simulating quantum transport in spin systems.
  2. Algorithms and numerical analysis for computational statistical mechanics.
    Coarse-graining and sampling algorithms for extended particle systems.
  3. Uncertainty quantification in dynamical environments and application
    of machine learning methods.

Summer Projects and Internships

  • Summer projects for graduate and undergraduate students – Summer 2024
    Undergraduate students interested in a project on low-rank approximations of problems in quantum transport (e.g., Lindblad equation) should contact me. Funding for 10-week undergraduate research experience will be available for a successful applicant. 
  • Current internship opportunities
    Due to COVID-19 pandemics there are only limited plans for internships in the coming summer.
  • Past internships
    Some of the past interneships organized by Dr Plechac can be viewed here
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