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Family Delphacidae Leach, 1815
Subfamily Delphacinae Leach, 1815
Tribe Delphacini Leach, 1815
Genus Eurybregma Scott, 1875: 92.
Type species (in original combination): Eurybregma nigrolineata Scott, 1875: 92.
Distribution of Eurybregma (FLOW 14 Jan 2019)
Recognized species
(distribution information may be incomplete)
Note: Emeljanov, 1982 divides this genus into the subgenera Bregmodes Emeljanov, 1982 (type Eurybregma pseudagropyri Emeljanov, 1966, apparently monotypic); Priapyx Emeljanov, 1982 (type Eurybregma pygalis Emeljanov, 1973, 2 species), and Eurybregma. Hamilton (2002) moved most of the North American species formerly in Eurysa into Eurybregma. Emeljanov 2019 moved Nearctic Eurybregma into Euryburnia.
New World
Now in Euryburnia Emeljanov 2019.
Old World
Eurybregma (Eurybregma) bielawskii Nast, 1977 – Bulgaria, Greece
Eurybregma dlabolai Kalkandelen, 1980 – Turkey
Eurybregma (Eurybregma) nigrolineata Scott, 1875: 92– Widespread in Europe, Russia, Mongolia (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Central European Russia, Czech Republic, East Palaearctic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Moldova, North European Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia); China (Xinjiang), Inner Mongolia (Ningxia); (Link is to photo by Gernot Kunz)
= Stiroma nigrolineata Edwards, 1886
= Criomorphus nigrolineatus China, 1939
Eurybregma (Priapyx) porca (Emeljanov, 1964) Mongolia, Kazakhstan; North European Russia, South European Russia, Turkey, Yugoslavia
= Criomorphus porcus Emeljanov, 1964; comb. by Emeljanov 1977.
Eurybregma (Bregmodes) pseudagropyri Emeljanov, 1966 – Mongolia, Russia (Tuva)
Eurybregma (Priapyx) pygalis Emeljanov, 1973 – Mongolia
Eurybregma (Eurybregma) sparsa Logvinenko, 1970 – Azerbaijan, Russia (Dagestan), Transcaucasus (Nakhichevan)
Eurybregma (Eurybregma) striifrons Logvinenko, 1972 – Azerbaijan
Plant Associations
Grasses, as follows
Eurybregma nigrolineata is reported off the grasses Elymus repens (L.) Gould, Holcus lanatus L., and Dactylis glomerata L. (and ‘quackgrass meadows’).
Eurybregma eurytion, Eurybregma magnifrons – Agropyron sp. (Poales, Poaceae).
Eurybregma pseudagropyri is reported from the grasses Agropyron pseudoagropyrum and Leymus chinensis.
From Anufriev and Emeljanov 1988, Wilson et al. 1994; Nickel 2003; See FLOW for possible additional plant associations.
Paarasites (both from Eurybregma nigrolineata)
Charletonia cardinalis (c. l. koch, 1837) (C. L. Koch, 1837) (Acari, Trombidiformes, Erythraeidae) according to Stroinski et al. 2013: 197. (Ectoparasite)
Elenchus tenuicornis (Kirby, 1815) (Insecta, Strepsiptera, Elenchidae)
Economic Importance
Probably limited. New World species are infrequently encountered.
Robust species, vertex wider than long, carinae relatively obscure; frons broad, widest near fastigium, carinae obscure near fastigium.
Description of genus from Anufriev and Emeljanov 1988
Macrocoryphe [~vertex] short and wide, noticeably wider than long and wider than transverse diameter of eye. Eumetope [~frons, including parts anterior to transverse carinae of vertex] widening from clypeus to eyes, parallel-sided between eyes, not more than 1.5 times as long as wide. Carinae of eumetope smoothed; usually 2 parallel carinae standing out, sometimes they are weakly noticeable or disappear; a median carina is noticeable between less distinct paired carinae in some cases. Carinae disappear completely on the turn of eumetope into acrometope; the turn is smoothed. Lateral carinae of disc of pronotum diverging backwards, slanting outwards and disappearing, not reaching posterior margin. In brachypters, fore wings rounded truncate at apices, reaching abdominal tergites II-III in females and tergites IV-V in males. Posttibial spur about half as long as basal segment of hind tarsus, bearing usually less than 10 large lateral denticles, blunt and without denticle at apex. Male. Pygofer with not interrupted posterior edging; bridge of pygofer often with wide dorsal projection in the middle. Anal tube with a pair of differently developed teeth ventrally. Styli becoming thinner to apex, diverging. Aedeagus variously developed, more or less elongate, sometimes compressed laterally.
Old World
Key to 3 species from Anufriev and Emeljanov 1988 (figure references to that work, included below)
1. Processes of anal tube long; the body of anal tube about as wide as high. Aedeagus compressed laterally and with great number of denticles; articulatory plate of theca long, divided into two parts. Subgenital plate protruding outwards, large; lateral lobes of simple shape, without steps and excisions. (Subgenus Bregmodes Em.). Light, brown or whitish, with dark brown, mostly longitudinal pattern. Head brown with light carinae; macrocoryphe with whitish spot posteriorly. A paired dark stripe running on disc of pronotum, scutellum and second claval vein (A1 and Pcu + A1); another stripe arising behind eyes bifurcates on fore wings running along veins R and Cu. In male, abdomen with lightened dorsally midline, sides and indistinctly midlines between them; in female, paired intermediate light stripes strongly widened, and dark stripes narrowed accordingly. Venter mostly light. 2.4-3.5. – Transbaikal, Tuva, Altai. – Mongolia. – On Leymus chinensis in meadow steppe habitats. Mid-June to late July. (Figs. 328: 1-9) … E. (B.) pseudagropyri
1– Processes of anal tube short or anal tube very high. Aedeagus with 2-3 teeth; its shaft not wide, not compressed laterally; articulatory plate of theca short, simple. Subgenital plate not protruding; lateral lobes with step or smooth excision … 2
2. Anal tube as wide as high, with small teeth. Bridge of pygofer bearing a spine directed upwards. Lateral lobes of female with smooth excision. (Subgenus Eurybregma Scott). Macrocoryphe with 2 rounded, dark brown spots posteriorly and 1 spot anteriorly. Eumetope brown, with light lateral margins and dark brown stripes along them, so that there remains an equivalent light stripe between intermedial carinae. The rest of pattern as in E. pseudagropyri, but inner dark stripes of abdomen often strongly weakened in female. 3.1-4.5, macropters up to 5.4. – Amur.; C[entral] Yakutia, Transbaikal, Tuva, Altai, S Siberia, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia in mountains). – China (Xinjiang), Mongolia, C and S Europe. – In quackgrass meadows (but neither in ruderal habitats nor in fields). Late May to mid-July.
(Figs. 329: 1-9) … E. nigrolineata
2– Anal tube very high, with strong claw-shaped teeth. Bridge of pygofer without tooth, with sagittal carina ending by a knob above. Lateral lobes of female with step. (Subgenus Priapyx Em.). Similar to E. nigrolineata in pattern, but if eumetope has a pattern, its middle field darkened. In male, pygofer large, high, compressed laterally. 2.8-4.1, macropters up to 4.4. – Mag.; C Yakutia, Altai. [p. 434] – Mongolia. – In grass meadows of river and brook flood plains, in glades. Mid-June to late July. (Figs. 329: 10-16) … E. (P.) pygalis

Eurybregma nigrolineata by Gernot Kunz from FLOW.
Eurybregma nigrolineata
Eurybregma bielawskii

Figs 1–8 (From Emeljanov 2019). Eurybregma nigrolineata Scott,1–4 – head, antero-ventral view (face), variants of carina development; 5 – Eurysa lineata Fieber, face; 6–8 – Euryburnia magnifrons (Crawford): 6 – face, 7 – male pygofer, caudal view, 8 – female abdomen, ventral view.
Molecular resources
At this time, Genbank and Bold have limited molecular resources for this genus, mostly for Eurybregma nigrolineata – this species was sequenced for 18S, 28S, CO1, WG in Urban et al. (2010).
Selected References
Anufriev, G. A. and A. F. Emeljanov. 1988. Volume II: Homoptera and Heteroptera. In: P.A. Lehr (ed.). Keys to the Insects of the Far East of the USSR in Six Volumes, Transliteration of the Russian title: Opredelitel’ nasekomykh Dal’nego Vostoka SSSR v shesti tomakh. Vol. 2. Ravnokrylye i poluzhestkokrylye. In: P.A. Lehr (ed.). Keys to the Insects of the Far East of the USSR in Six Volume. Nauka, Leningrad. [English translation] (Link to PDF here).
Asche, M. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna der Turkei (Anatolien) (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 71-98. 1982
Asche, M. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna Jugoslawiens und Bulgariens (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 99-138.
Asche, M. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna Ungarns (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 139-154.
Asche, M. and R. Remane. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna Griechenlands I (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(6): 231-290.
Asche, M. and Hoch, H. 1982. Beitrage zur Delphaciden-Fauna Griechenlands II (Homoptera Cicadina Delphacidae). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 1(7): 37-70.
Bartlett, C. R., L. B. O’Brien and S. W. Wilson. 2014. A review of the planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) of the United States. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 50: 1-287.
Beamer, R. H. 1952. The genus Eurysa in America North of Mexico. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 28: 51-55.
Crawford, D. L. 1914a. A contribution toward a monograph of the homopterous insects of the family Delphacidae of North and South America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 46: 557-640, plus 6 plates.
D’Urso, V. 1995. Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha. In: Checklist delle specie della Fauna Italiana 42: 1-35.
Demir, E. 2006. Contributions to the knowledge of turkish Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) with a new record, Pentastiridius nanus (Ivanoff, 1885). Munis Entomology & Zoology 1(1): 97-122.
Dlabola, J. 1965. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. 54. Homoptera – Auchenorrhyncha. Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 11(100): 79-136.
Dlabola, J. 1968. Ergebnisse der Zoologischen forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei NR. 163: Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 65: 364-374.
Drosopoulos, S., M. Asche and H. Hoch. 1983. Contribution to the planthopper fauna of Greece. Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Fulgoromorpha, Delphacidae). Annales de l’Institut Phytopathologique Benaki (N.S.) 14: 19-68.
Emeljanov, A. F. 1964. New Cicadina from Kazakhstan (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). [New species of insects of the fauna of Kazakhstan.] Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR 34: 3-51. [In Russian]
Emeljanov, A. F. 1966. New palaearctic and certain Nearctic cicadina (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 45(1): 95- 133. [In Russian; English translation: Entomological Review, 1966, 45(1): 53-72.]
Emeljanov, A. F. 1969. Cicadina (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of Central Kazachstan. Biokompleksnye issledovaniya v Kazachstane [Biocomplex Investigations in Kazakhstan] 1: 358-381.
Emeljanov, A. F. 1977. Leaf-hoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the Mongolian People’s Republic based mainly on materials of the Soviet-Mongolian zoological expeditions (1967-1969). Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of Mongolia] 5: 96-195. [in Russian]
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Emeljanov, A. F. 2019. New genus of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera: Cicadina) from North America. Труды Зоологического института РАН, [Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS] 323(3): 369-372. https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2019.323.3.369
Gębicki, C., D. Świerczewski and J Szwedo. 2013. Planthoppers and Leafhoppers of Poland (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha). Systematics, Check-list, Bionomy. The Monograph. Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum, Entomology 21-22: 1-245.
Gunthart, H. 2000. Fur die Schweiz neue und wenig gesammelte Zikaden-Arten (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, 3. Erganzung. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 73: 109-114.
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Hamilton, K.G.A. 2002a. Homoptera (Insecta) in Pacific Northwest grasslands. Part 1 – New and revised taxa of leafhoppers and planthoppers (Cicadellidae and Delphacidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 99: 3-31.
Hamilton, K.G.A. 2002b. Homoptera (Insecta) in Pacific Northwest grasslands. Part 2 – Pleistocene refugia and postglacial dispersal of Cicadellidae, Delphacidae and Caliscelidae. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia. 99: 33-80.
Holzinger, W. E., I. Kammerlander and H. Nickel. 2003. Fulgoromorpha, Cicadomorpha excluding Cicadellidae. Volume 1. The Auchenorrhyncha of Central Europe. Brill Academic Publishing, Leiden, Netherlands.
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Kalkandelen, A. 1980. Contributions to the families Delphacidae and Cicadellidae (Homoptera) from Turkey. Turkiye Bitki Koruma Derg. 4 (3): 147-157. [Eurybregma dlabolai Kalkandelen, 1980]
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Leach, W. E. 1815a. Entomology. The Edinburg encyclopedia; conducted by David Brewster 9: 57-172. (family Delphacidae here)
Logvinenko, V. N. 1970. New and little known leafhoppers of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from southern districts of the USSR. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 49: 386-391.
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Nast, J. 1987. The Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Europe in Annales Zoologici Warszawa 40: 535-661.
Nickel, H. 2003. The Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Germany (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha): patterns and strategies in a highly diverse group of phytophagous insects in Pensoft Series Faunistica No. 28, Sofia-Moscow, Keltern, 1-460.
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Qin, D. Z., X. D. Chen and Q. L. Men. 2009. A new record species of the genus Megadelphax Wagner and redescription of Eurybregma nigrolineata Scott (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea, Delphacidae) from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 34: 654-658.
Remane, R. and W. Della Giustina. 1987. La faune de France des Delphacidae (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) IV. Recoltes de 1992 in Cahier des Naturalistes, Bulletin 48: 11-24.
Remane, R. and W. Frohlich. 1994. Beitrage zur Chorologie einiger Zikaden-Arten (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha) in der Westpalaarktis. Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 2(8): 131-188.
Remane, R. and W. Frohlich. 1994. Vorlaufige, kritische Artenliste der im Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nachgewiesenen Taxa der Insekten-Gruppe der Zikaden (Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha). Marburger Entomologische Publikationen 2(8): 189-232.
Saryglar, S. H. 2015. New data on the leafhoppers fauna (Homoptera, Cicadina) of Tuva. Euroasian entomological journal 14(3): 296-298.
Schiemenz, H. 1987. Beitrag zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha (Cicadina) (Insecta). Teil I: Allgemeines, Artenliste, Uberfamilie Fulgoroidea in Faunistische Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums fur Tierkunde Dresden 15 (8): 41-108.
Scott, J. 1875. On certain British Hemiptera-Homoptera. (Description of a new genus and species of the family Delphacidae). Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 12: 92-93.
Stroinski A., M. Felska and J. Makol. 2013. A review of host-parasite associations between terrestrial Parasitengona (Actinotrichida: Prostigmata) and bugs (Hemiptera). Annales Zoologici Warszawa 63(2): 195-221.
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