Patel Group

Computational Chemistry, Biophysics, Engineering


We Gratefully Acknowledge Financial Support from the following Sources:

1. National Science Foundation

CAREER:Development of Non-Additive Lipid Force Fields and Application to the Study of Charged Amino Acid

Residues in Lipid Bilayers and the Role of Bilayer-Resident Water



2. National Science Foundation (Division of Materials Research: DMR-0941318, Cyber Enabled Discovery and Infrastructure) (Co-PI Michela Taufer)
3.    National Institutes of Health

National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)

Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE)

University of Delaware, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


4. University of Delaware Research Fund (UDRF) (2007-2008)


5. UNIDEL Foundation (Startup)

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