PBL Clearinghouse

Material type: Problem-based learning student handouts and instructor resources

Year: 2000-2015

Maintained by: The Institute for Transforming Undergraduate Education, University of Delaware


In this peer-reviewed online resource, educators have the opportunity to submit and publish their own problems and articles on problem-based learning.

Audiences: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate, Adult and professional




Most content assigned a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial license.

Circuit Board Simulator

Material type: Simulation

Year: 2000

Authored by:

George Watson, Becky Kinney


circuit.fwThis simulation allows students to build a virtual circuit using resistors and batteries from the file drawers. Users can also measure resistance, voltage and current by clicking on any element within the completed circuit. A great way to explore.

Faculty Sponsor: George Watson

Primary Audience: High School, College Introductory Electronics

Location: http://www.udel.edu/present/Becky/watson/circuit.html