Building a better filter

Material type: Video

Year: 2015

Authored by:

  • PIC Math project. Suzy Weekes, Project Director (Worcester Polytechnic Institute). Supported by MAA, SIAM and NSF.
  • Features Louis Rossi, Mathematical Sciences


Thumbnnail for item.Prof. Louis Rossi of the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Delaware presents two introductory mathematical models that one can use to understand and characterize filters and the filtration processes.

Audiences: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate, Adult and professional


Hosted on Youtube:

Also: See this story on UDaily

Binomial Distribution

Material type: Simulation

Year: 2000

Authored by:

Becky Kinney


Marble Game thumbnailMarbles bounce down an array of pegs. The resulting binomial distribution is displayed graphically in real time. A control panel allows the size of the array, and the probability of a bounce to the right to be varied.

A short introduction has been added in the form of a series of multiple choice questions with instructions.

Primary Audience: High School, College Social Sciences


Creative Commons License 
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States

Also listed on: MERLOT