Architect’s Scale Tutorial

Material type: Simulation

Year: 2007

Authored by:

Becky Kinney


3d image of the end of an architect's scale

Learn how to read an architect’s scale. Tutorial includes instruction, self-tests, a demonstration and a simulated scale with practice lines to measure. Immediate feedback allows students to learn at their own pace, and the practice area provides a way to continue drawing and measuring lines for as long as is necessary.

Primary Audience: Design Students who need to use an architect’s rule


Faculty sponsor: Jules Bruck

Creative Commons License 
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States

Also listed on: MERLOT


Ball Bearing Defect Frequencies

Material type: Simulation

Year: 2005

Authored by:

Bill Fagerstrom, Becky Kinney



This simulation is used to demonstrate how vibrational patterns are impacted by defects in different portions of a ball bearing.

Faculty Sponsor: Bill Fagerstrom

Primary Audience: College, Mechanical Engineering


Circuit Board Simulator

Material type: Simulation

Year: 2000

Authored by:

George Watson, Becky Kinney


circuit.fwThis simulation allows students to build a virtual circuit using resistors and batteries from the file drawers. Users can also measure resistance, voltage and current by clicking on any element within the completed circuit. A great way to explore.

Faculty Sponsor: George Watson

Primary Audience: High School, College Introductory Electronics


Binomial Distribution

Material type: Simulation

Year: 2000

Authored by:

Becky Kinney


Marble Game thumbnailMarbles bounce down an array of pegs. The resulting binomial distribution is displayed graphically in real time. A control panel allows the size of the array, and the probability of a bounce to the right to be varied.

A short introduction has been added in the form of a series of multiple choice questions with instructions.

Primary Audience: High School, College Social Sciences


Creative Commons License 
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States

Also listed on: MERLOT

Virtual Microscope

Material type: Simulation

Year: 2003

Used in courses: BISC104

Authored by:

Margie Barrett
Joelle Cona
Paul Hyde
Bob Ketcham
Becky Kinney
Justin Schakelman

Department or Unit: Biology


MicroscopeThe Virtual Microscope is a full-fledged simulation that allows users to select and position slides, adjust lighting, magnification and focus, and measure specimens. A narrated demonstration is available to guide students through the steps required to bring a specimen into focus. There is also a checklist that indicates which steps have been completed successfully.

Primary Audience: High School, College General Ed


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States

Also listed on: MERLOT