Vendors & IDeA Resources

Learn more about the Vendors & IDeA Resources at NERIC2023:
*NERIC2023 Vendor

*Delaware ACCEL CTR Program

The Delaware ACCEL CTR aims to build research capacities in states which historically have had low levels of NIH funding by supporting basic, clinical, and translational research through mentoring, education and faculty development, and infrastructure improvements. The ACCEL program provides resources, networking opportunities, pilot funding, research design and bio-statistical support, mentoring assistance, and community engagement opportunities to help develop, implement, and expand clinical and translational research. Ultimately ACCEL serves to promote the innovation, acceleration, and translation of research that will improve health outcomes, enhance future funding success, accelerate health care quality, actively engage community members, and advance research careers. Learn more about ACCEL CTR here:

EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation

The EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation (EIF) is a national non-profit that promotes the science and technology enterprise through improving university research infrastructure and increasing research competitiveness among historically underfunded states.

The EIF is dedicated to increasing awareness, visibility and increased participation of the EPSCoR and IDeA states in the nation’s scientific and technological enterprise by sponsoring, organizing, developing, and operating educational, scientific, literary, and charitable programs to expand the capacity of the EPSCoR and IDeA states to carry out competitive scientific and engineering research and education, and to institutionalize gains. EIF also serves as an information clearinghouse on the accomplishments and progress of projects and activities of importance to the EPSCoR states. Lastly, EIF develops relationships among EPSCoR and IDeA participants, the private sector, government, the national scientific community, and other universities to develop systemic approaches to science and technology improvements in the states. To learn more about what programs and support EIF provides visit:

The National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI)

The National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators (NAIPI) is the collective voice of all of us in the IDeA community. NAIPI aims to protect and promote the IDeA programs.  It fosters interactions, promotes resource sharing, enhances the national visibility of the INBREs, COBREs, and CTRs, develops consensus on priorities, identifies and disseminates best practices, identifies opportunities and develops strategies. NAIPI offers events, trainings and more. To learn more visit:

*IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics

The National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics’ mission is to increase the ability for scientists in the 23 IDeA states and Puerto Rico, as well as other NIGMS-supported investigators across the nation, to perform innovative research by providing unmatched access to advanced quantitative proteomics platforms and staff skilled in interpreting and analyzing complex biological data. This is accomplished through many activities including workshops, a voucher program, and internship program. To learn more about programs and services offered visit:

*National Center for CryoEM Access and Training (NCCAT)

The CryoEM centers provide access to instrumentation for data collection (primarily, but not exclusively, high-end microscopes) as well as focused training programs to help labs become independent cryoEM practitioners. All access is at no cost to the user. To access any of these resources, you must submit an application, that will be peer reviewed, before time is granted. NCCAT is housed at the Simons Electron Microscopy Center at the New York Structural Biology Center in New York City, New York. To learn more about the programs and services offered visit:


Piestar provides research program management solutions. Piestar currently helps over 55 research programs and Project Coordinators to overcome spending too much time collecting, reporting, and managing researchers. Piestar helps to save time through their automated software and support. Learn more about Piestar here:

SuRE Resource Center

The SuRE Resource Center supports institutions dedicated to teaching students from backgrounds underrepresented in science often need more resources to build a research environment on their campuses. Without these resources, the ability to support faculty research and provide racially diverse and low-income students access to biomedical careers becomes challenging. The NIH designed the SuRE R16 program to help qualifying institutions on their path toward building and sustaining a research infrastructure. In partnership, the SuRE Resource Center provides free training, guidance, and expertise to help bridge the gap in taking those initial steps. The SuRE Resource Center offers programs like webinars, bootcamp trainings and more. To learn more visit: