“Is it better to study what you love or what you think will get you a job?”

If it were affordable I would want to be a teacher and travel all over the world to developing nations and teach children who don’t have the access to education that we have in this country. I think it is better to study for a job you know you’re going to love rather than study for a career only because of the money you will earn. Your career is what you do for a majority of your life and by doing something you hate or aren’t interested will eventually start effecting you and the people you work with/for. For example, if someone became a doctor just because they wanted to make a doctor’s salary but didn’t have a passion for helping people, both would suffer. The patient wouldn’t get the best care possible. Or if someone became an accountant just for the salary but wasn’t really interested in it, would have one long and boring life. If you do something you love and are good at you will be rewarded and so will the people who interact with you on a professional level. People will trust you when they can tell you know what you’re talking about and have a true passion for it. Also if your dream job doesn’t include your dream paycheck, experience and working hard could help you move up the latter. With all that being said, I do think you have to be smart about choosing what you want to do. For example it may hard to  find steady jobs if you want to be a painter or study literature. Because of this it would be smart to have a degree in art and marketing or literature and education. Unfortunately most people don’t have the option of choosing money or what they love. If money wasn’t a factor I think more people would be happy because they would be doing job they really love not a job that pays their bills.

21 thoughts on ““Is it better to study what you love or what you think will get you a job?”

  1. Casey stradley

    I agree with jamie on the part about the doctor, if someone is not happy with their job patients ans customers will notices this too. If doctors do not have a passion to help people then they should not be in that profession. Findinf something that makes you happy will reflect on the pay check eventually. You may not start out making as much money as you would like to but eventually you will benefit from doing something you love. I also agree wirh jamie when she says if money wasn’t a factor more people would be happy because money stresses everyone out no matter how big or little we’re talking about.

  2. Jennifer

    I totally agree with what you said about loving what you do. It is very true that maybe at the beginning you may not have the experience you may need for the job, but like you said, you can always move up the latter. However, I do believe that people have the choice of doing something they love. Unfortunately they may be influenced by money and that holds them back from pursuing what they love. In a way they have every reason to. We haven’t seen any changes to the economy, and who knows, a job that may be considered to have ‘good pay’ today may not necessarily be good in 5-10yrs. from now. which is all the more reason to have studied something you love because if you didn’t, then you’d be stuck with having to look for a job that you’re unhappy with.

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