Multi-disciplinary research to address climate change and sea-level rise using nature-based solutions

The Head Research Group is working on this multi-disciplinary project funded by the Army Corps of Engineers (DEEDS) to better understand the effects of flooding due to storm surge and sea-level rise on roadways and bridges within evacuation routes, and to what extent does increased salinity degrade structural materials to inform maintenance predictions. We have installed sensor arrays in the field to monitor relative water depths and salinity levels to collect preliminary data and formulate baseline measurements before a nature-based installation occurs in Delaware.

NSF REU student tackles summer research

This summer, we had the pleasure of working with Adriana M. Mercado Cruz (pictured left in photo), a civil engineering student from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez. She presented a poster of her work titled, “Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Bridges.” She was able to examines the differences in distinctive design approaches using real-time field data compared to current and projected sea level conditions for year 2072 using “intermediate high” scenario as established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The research consisted of modeling a single span multi-stringer prestressed box beam bridge with two lanes, located in Slaughter Beach, Delaware. The bridge model was subjected to the different hydrodynamic loads under the different design approaches considering current conditions and future projections for sea level rise. This allowed for a vulnerability assessment of the bridge piles by comparing the shear and moment values for each pile evaluated for various hydrodynamic loading scenarios. Future research could consist of conducting different analytical and experimental analyses using different design approaches on various bridge and foundation types. Congratulations, Adriana, and we look forward to hearing all of the wonderful things you’ll continue to do! Thank you, @Waqas Iqbal, for being an excellent graduate student mentor to Adriana!

Congratulations, CEE graduates!

So proud of all CEE graduates! Special kudos to our graduates from the Head Research Group: KJ Olsen (CIEG), Madison Gac (CIEG), and Wael Aloqaily (Aug 2023 w/ PhD)! You did it! I enjoyed celebrating you all at the lovely ceremonies and engineering convocation this past Saturday, May 27th! This is just the beginning of your journey, and you’re doing great! Society is in great hands!