Another successful defense!

Congratulations, Shaymaa Obayes, for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation, titled “Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Bridges in the Pacific Northwest Region Under Long-Duration Earthquake Effects.” This research uniquely quantifies the impacts of an anticipated moment magnitude (Mw) 9.0 earthquake event characterized by its long duration for incipient collapse risk of existing bridges in the Pacific Northwest region. Pictured (left to right): Profs. Erin Sparks (College of Agriculture), Monique Head (Committee Chair), Shaymaa Obayes, Tripp Shenton (Committee Member), and Michael Chajes (Committee Member).

Congratulations, Shaymaa!

Kudos to Shaymaa Obayes for successfully defending her dissertation on April 15, 2024 titled, “Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Bridges in the Pacific Northwest Region Under Long-duration Earthquake Effects.” This is important work to evaluate the effects of long-duration earthquakes on select bridge types. Stay tuned for more posts on her research and upcoming presentations, including 18WCEE in Milan, Italy!

I95/SR 896 Project Field Trip, April 2024

I had the pleasure of witnessing a personal tour of the I95/SR 896 project with UD students (many from my graduate class on Highway Bridge Engineering (CIEG608)) courtesy of the CH-ATSSA Chapter 2024 April Project Tour & Meeting. We had a great and safe time on site. Students were able to network with engineers and traffic professionals who are devoted to keeping work zones safe and delivering high quality construction projects as this! Special thanks to Earl Lee from the University of Delaware Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for informing us of this opportunity and many folks who hosted us! #DelDOT

Prof. Head–new Fellow of ASCE

Prof. Head was elevated to Fellow status with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Only 3% of ASCE members hold this status and is truly an honor. Check out the UD Daily “For the Record” article written on latest awards received by faculty in the College of Engineering. She will be formally recognized in the spring at the ASCE Opal Gala Awards Ceremony.

“2022 Green Grant” awardee showcased during #Giving Tuesday

The Head Research Group member, KJ Olsen and Dr. Here, were recently featured on #Giving Tuesday as the 2022 Green Grant recipient for our work with including recycled plastic waste in concrete. We have been assessing the mechanical properties of fresh and hardened concrete when ABS plastics are added. Note the featured article here. This has been fun and impactful work, and we are working on a publication with co-investigator, Dr. Suresh Advani, Department of Mechanical Engineering.