Italy: Three Cities in Three Days

Submitted by Jacob Leinenbach on the 2020 spring semester study abroad program in Rome, Italy…

John Cabot University in Rome is a great destination to study abroad because classes do not meet on Fridays. This gives students the opportunity to travel for an extra day each weekend and take full advantage of our time abroad. This week, my friend and I decided to take on three cities in three days. It was an ambitious plan, involving lots of logistical coordination, but having done it, I’m glad that I got to see three new cities. We started out on Thursday evening traveling by train from Rome to Perugia, a medieval city in central Italy. There, we walked the town, explored underground streets, and tried a local restaurant. The following afternoon, we caught a train to Milan, and by early evening, we were standing in the Piazza del Duomo taking in the beauty of Milan. After 24 hours seeing Milan, meeting other American students, and sleeping a little bit, we were on our next train to Turin. With just over 24 hours in Turin, we had enough time to see the Royal Palace, Shroud of Turin, and Mole Antonellina and try a traditional coffee and chocolate drink, Bicherin, before we were on our final train back to Rome. Visiting three cities in three days was exhausting and ambitious, but it was a wonderful experience and I would do it again with three new cities!