Visiting Acropolis, Island of Aegina, Mycenae, and Epidaurus

Submitted by Zeppelin Evans on the 2025 Winter program in Athens, Greece

A photo of the Erechtheion from the gate of the Acropolis

Visiting the Acropolis has been on my bucket list for a long time, so this was an absolutely amazing experience. Being able to walk where ancient people did (albeit not very often for most people) was important to me; seeing the temples that I have been studying, in person, was almost religious. On top of all of that, Iris was an amazing guide – I am so happy that she talked about the construction of the buildings, from the orders to the flutes to the slight curve of the bases. I also learned a lot about the history of the Acropolis after the ancient period, like the conversion of temples into churches, the various wars, and the excavations. Other than the academic part of it, the views of Athens were beautiful and put into perspective its place geographically (living in Pangrati it can be hard to imagine Athens as near the sea or surrounded by mountains). The Acropolis museum was also really interesting, especially the top floor with the “reconstruction” of the Parthenon. I never would have thought of that as a concept, so as a museum worker it was important and interesting to see how the architect and conservators handled it. This site will definitely be revisited if I come back to Greece.

To begin, I LOVED taking the ferry to Aegina. This was a part of the water that I had never been on before and the views were immaculate as well. As for the site, the temple of Aphaia and the archeological remains were really interesting – this was another site / part of Greece that I had not really heard of before. It was also a really cute little town to explore with amazing food. My favorite part (other than the ferry) was the temple and how it offered a clear view of the intricacies of construction with the U-shaped divots for lifting the gigantic pieces of rock. I also found the inscriptions on the wall interesting, as they were really well preserved and if they weren’t pointed out I would have walked right past them. I also liked seeing Athens from Aegina’s point of view, and talking about how the city-states would have seen each other in antiquity with both fighting to be seen as powerful and wealthy.

I think these sites were the absolute highlight of the trip for me. The tomb of Atreus was really cool to see, since most similar constructions are not preserved in that way. Seeing the Mycenaean Lion’s Gate in person was like a religious experience for me, since I have been studying it for so long. I also really enjoyed how Alice and David brought the story of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra into what we were seeing and standing on – most people do not realize that mythology and theater are steeped in reality. The grave circles were also really interesting because we saw the finds in the Archeological Museum before and then where they were found. I liked seeing the fragments of Linear B in the museum as well. Epidaurus was another really cool site – as a theater nerd seeing the best preserved ancient theater was amazing to see. The history of the site as a sanctuary of Asclepius was also interesting, especially learning about the healing practices. The stadium was beautiful as well. Epidaurus had something from every one of my interests – medical history, theater, and sport. I would come back to Greece just to see these two sites again.

The theatre at Epidaurus

Education in a New Perspective

Submitted by Anna Sherr on the 2025 Winter program in Barcelona, Spain

As an Elementary Education major at UD, I have been able to experience in-person field placements since my very first semester of college. The education program at UD is full of incredible professors and mentors that have ultimately helped me achieve my goal of getting accepted into a study abroad opportunity! During January of 2025 I was able to spend three weeks of my life in Barcelona, Spain where I was placed in a private elementary school, St. Peter’s School. I took EDUC390 Classroom Management with Dr. William Lewis who provided us with amazing support throughout our experience in both the school and the city. During my mini-mester I was welcomed into this school with open arms and was instantly able to immerse myself into their curriculum and classrooms. Due to St. Peter’s being an international school, the student population was extremely diverse. The instruction and everyday interactions in the school were spoken in English, but as I walked the halls I was exposed to Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Russian, and more languages from around the world. This lingual diversity at St. Peter’s School causes them to heavily focus on phonics and the English language. This educational experience is one that I will never forget, especially throughout my career in education. St. Peter’s taught me so much about the importance of creating a teacher-student relationship built on trust and respect. I cannot wait to implement these teaching strategies in my future career with my students.

Studying Abroad Changed My Life

Submitted by Carson McClung on the 2025 Winter program in Budapest, Hungary

This is the lango I had! It’s a popular street food in Hungary.

When I first arrived in Budapest, the first thing I noticed was how beautiful and historic the city was. Shops and restaurants surrounded the apartment complex I lived in. That first night, we went to Menza, a Hungarian restaurant close by. We got to try several dishes including langos with sour cream and cheese, accompanied by a delicious garlic soup, and a lava cake. I enjoyed trying the new foods, but the first few days in Hungary were more difficult because of the culture shocks–the locals were more reserved. As an introvert, going into my first study abroad experience was both exciting and nerve-wracking.

As time went on, things started to get easier for me and I noticed some personal growth. Going into the program, I was already friends with one person in the group, but I didn’t know the others. After the first week, I started branching out and talking to the other people more. I went out with them, grabbed food, and got to know them more. My social skills have improved dramatically, which is amazing considering my past struggles in group settings. Because of this trip, I feel more confident in group settings and maintaining relationships with people. We also went on some fun excursions, such as touring the Parliament and participating in a cooking class. I learned how to make local Hungarian dishes–I cooked baked meatloaf with eggs–and got to try them! I not only explored Budapest but also went on a hike and a day trip to Vienna, Austria via train. Being able to travel abroad and explore Central Europe is a privilege I’m immensely grateful for.

Towards the end of the program, I was super sad to leave. The two and a half weeks spent in Budapest were some of the most transformative experiences of my life–I am so glad I followed through! On our last night, we had an amazing dinner where we reminisced about our time abroad. I almost cried after our dinner–I didn’t want to leave and I’d do this all over again in a heartbeat! I will forever remember this experience and how it shaped me as a person. My self-growth over the break has me feeling confident enough to pursue new activities this semester, such as musical theater or acapella group auditions. I learned so much about myself and the world around me through this study abroad experience, and I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the winter session. Thank you to my amazing group and faculty director, Dr. Tóth, for supporting me and bringing me out of my shell.

Me on the Danube River Cruise!

Beginning Of Study Abroad

Submitted by Devin Diodato on the 2025 Winter program in Rome, Italy

Perugia, Italy

During our first week in Italy we have traveled to 2 different cities. We started in Rome for 2 days where we took a tour of the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. Wish we had more time here, cant wait to be back! We then headed to Perugia for a few days where we did even more sight seeing!

Amalfi Coast

After a few days in Perugia, we headed to Sorrento where we will be staying for two weeks. Our hotel had the best view of Mt. Vesuvius! While we are here we are taking many day trips: Pompeii, Amalfi Coast, Caserta, and a few others. Cant believe we are already half way done!

For one of the days of our free weekend we decided to hike a trail called the path of the gods along the Amalfi Coast. We saw some of the prettiest views ever! We headed back to Rome for our last weekend. Cant believe its almost time to go home, it really flew by. While we were back in Rome, we toured Vatican City: Sistine Chapel, St. Peters Basilica, and the museum. (Submitted January 29, 2025)

Cattedrale di Pisa and Leaning Tower of Pisa

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

Submitted by Nathaniel Burlew on the 2025 Winter program in Italy…

Over the past few weeks we got to visit some of the major cities in Tuscany. Notably we got to see Florence, Pisa and Siena. It was so surreal to see these places in person. The cathedrals were absolutely massive, the pictures can’t even do it justice. On the inside, every single square inch of the walls and even ceilings are detailed with gold or paintings. Climbing the Leaning Tower of Pisa had my group feeling like we were going to fall off, we did not think we were going to feel the tilt as much as we did. The trip has been great so far, making new friends, seeing historic places, and not to mention, eating amazing food.

With my study abroad experience coming to an end, we got to visit cities like Venice and Verona. Venice was just as beautiful as you could imagine. The canals were woven between the beautiful and bright colored buildings. The seafood was some of the best I ever tasted. Verona, known as the city of love, was a cool experience. We got to see a colosseum, not quite like the one in Rome, and also got to see iconic buildings from Romeo and Juliet. This trip is winding down and it has been a life-changing journey. Being able to immerse yourself in a culture that is different than the one you are used to, is an opportunity that you won’t take for granted. I am so thankful for my time here, making 30 new friends and our fantastic instructors, Charlene and Tim! (Submitted January 27, 2025)

Ponte di Rialto bridge in Venice

Halfway Mark in Paris

Submitted by Saniyah Norwoodon the 2025 Winter program in Paris, France…

I have been in Paris for almost 3 weeks now! I have been enjoying it so far. I have approximately one week left here. I am excited to see my family and friends back at home. However, I love Paris and don’t want to leave. So far, I have visited the Louvre, Versailles, Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Montmarte, and many other monuments and institutions. Being in Paris for study abroad was not only a great academic opportunity, but a great chance to live life with a new perspective. I’ve met so many great people on this trip and can’t wait for what the rest of the trip brings me! (Submitted on January 23, 2025)

This photo was taken with my friends Jack, Marcella, Reaghan, and Marina on a boat tour of the Seine. It was a networking event with the students from Sorbonne Nouvelle University, UD alumni, and Sorbonne Nouvelle alumni.

Weekend in Venice

Submitted by Molly McGuigan on the 2025 Winter program in Venice, Italy

This past weekend we traveled to Venice and had the opportunity to stay overnight. This was by far the best part of my study abroad trip so far. Venice is a beautiful city filled with local people and great food. Venice made up of over 100 little islands having its visitors walk over tiny bridges around almost every corner. There are no cars on the island of Venice, but there are water taxis you can take to move around more efficiently. My favorite part of Venice was taking a gondola ride around the city at sunset. You could see all of the colorful buildings and their lights with a great view of the sky as well. I plan on returning to Venice this upcoming weekend during our personal travel time! (Submitted on January 20, 2025)

Girls on the Gondola

First Steps Into an Old World

Submitted by Nathaniel Burlew on the 2025 Winter program in Volterra, Italy

A painting from inside Volterra’s Cathedral

Last week we arrived in the Tuscany region of Italy. We are staying in the old town of Volterra, which is located in the Pisa province. The town itself is a walled in city, situated on the top of a mountain. First impressions of this place is the architecture is second to none that I have ever seen. Every brick, every crevice of every building, the attention to detail is absolutely astonishing. So far it is has been so cool and so much fun to experience a culture that is so different than the one we are used to back home. I am looking forward to the rest of this trip and all of the things we have planned!! (Submitted on January 16, 2025)

Universal Languages

Submitted by Eden Goldstein on the 2025 Winter program in Florence, Italy

“You are about to embark upon a life-changing experience. Walk it well, knowing that your life will be enriched through the study of foreign nations and that there are more similarities among the people of the Earth than there are differences. Have fun, be careful, and come home safe.” My grandma had said this to me before I arrived in Florence, Italy, for the University of Delaware’s Winter study abroad program.

My entire life I have dreamed of traveling to witness the beauty of immersing myself in a culture that was unfamiliar to me, and of being able to absorb firsthand the differences that set us apart from one another. Using only my imagination of what it could be like from the stories I have been told growing up by my parents and grandparents of the magnificent world that exists beyond what is familiar to me, I craved an experience that would teach me to thrive within my own uncomfortability. Never did I think my expectations would exceed my imagination the way that it has, in such a short amount of time. Our differences are what makes us unique, and our individuality is what makes us as people so incredibly special both collectively and on our own. Appreciating the characteristics that we each carry is often taken for granted. In just one week in this unforgettable program, this concept of noticing the traits that set us apart from one another, I have found to be in contrast with an overwhelming amount of similarities, as my grandma had said and of course, she is always right.

I have always gravitated towards engaging in my own creativity, and with no surprise ever since I was young, I became connected to not only the art that I can construct but learning about the art that makes up our world history. Guided by my interest and curiosity I have studied the intricacy of the iconic European artists, architecture, compositions, statues, and all of the culturally impacting phenomena that have existed in this region for as long as I can remember. This program has allowed me to come face to face with some of the most important works of art in the world, and what a beautiful thing that is! Within the past week, my class and I have been on guided tours of the Galleria dell’Accademia, Palazzo Vecchio, the Duomo, and both Siena and San Gimignano, Italy. The historical significance of these castles, galleries, cities, and monuments is beyond mesmerizing. The precision and commitment to detail are not just inspiring and beautiful, but impactful and influential.

Along with the many tours and time I have spent here appreciating the art that fills this wonderful country, I have noticed something even more important in the mists. While I had been focusing on the art on the walls, I took a moment to watch everyone around me, as they watched the art on the walls. Each of us standing in the same place, at the same moment in time, all coming together to admire the same thing. None of the differences between us mattered at all, because it was our similarities that brought us all here. The universal language of art is something that connects every one of us, regardless of our age, gender, culture, religion, social class, or anything else that stands in the way of our individual or societal biases. I will forever be grateful for this program for allowing me to be reminded of how necessary it is to come together, set aside our differences, and be present in the moment, whatever that moment may be. (Submitted on January 14, 2025)

My apartment street in the Santa Croce historical district

Traveling to Different Cities In Italy

Submitted by Molly McGuigan on the 2025 Winter program in Italy

So far throughout my study abroad trip, we have traveled to three different cities in Italy: Siena, Florence, and Pisa. There has been great sight seeing, shopping, and eating. Going into this trip, I didn’t know anyone, but I now have 30 new friends. We all eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together, and have planned a trip together during our personal travel time. This has been a great experience so far and I am so happy I decided to study abroad! (Submitted on January 14, 2025)

Tuscan Hills, Area Where our campus is