Australia: Sunrise on the Harbour

Submitted by Olivia Szefer on the 2020 spring semester study abroad program in Sydney, Australia…

The iconic sites of Sydney are of course the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge which can be seen from every angle of the Harbour. After two months of living and studying in Sydney, I had plenty of time to admire them at different times of day and at different angles throughout the Harbour. However, I have never had a view from them on the actual water even though I had taken ferries before to Barangaroo. A major catalyst in finding a unique way to experience the two Australian landmarks was that my sister was visiting from Texas A&M on her spring break and I wanted to have a memorable time with her. After searching the web, I finally found the perfect adventure for us: Sydney by Kayak.

This program takes individuals and groups out into the harbour on kayaks to learn about the waterway, but also to witness the glorious sunrise come up upon the bridge and opera house. We were both able to appreciate where we were in the world and how lucky we both were to be in such a beautiful place as the colors appeared across the sky. Once we took some posed photos, we journeyed on around Lavender Bay then we kayaked to various wharfs. Throughout this experience, we learned about the origins of Luna Park, how ferries use their horns and about various convicts from the beginning of the colony. I am thankful to have seen the beautiful sunrise and to have hadquality time with my sister whom I don’t get to see often.