Predeparture Meeting Sunday 11/3

Published on: Author: Susan S Barton

Get psyched for Brazil. Only 2 months to go! Landscape Exploration of Brazil                            Winter Session 2020  Blog Assignment Select a blog partner Select your assignment dates Post a blog entry on your assigned dates (3) Several sentences about an activity you participated in that day or a site you visited. Photo of… Continue reading


Published on: Author: bhanlon

Today we presented our final projects for both classes. We did our plant and human culture group presentations and displayed our final sketches. We did this in the studio that Erika designed and we finished it off morning by enjoying some orange juice, cake, nuts, and little sandwichs! Afterward, some students went to the mall… Continue reading

Tuesday, January 23rd

Published on: Author: kysmyth

Today we went to architect and interior designer Erika Duarte’s office. Her office is uniquely designed with open air walkways between sections, and palm trees growing through the walkways. Both the interior and exterior are essential components of her design, as the interior is a blend of the historic architecture of the original building, with… Continue reading

Corcovado 1/22 melissa & cate

Published on: Author: melissa lynn

Today we visited the mighty Christ the Redemeer on the mountain of Corcovado. While the statue is impressive, the crowds were a bit distracting from the spiritual magnitude of Christ the redeemer. Only the foggy cover, under which Rio de Janeiro barely peaked out, presented a godlike perspective and connection. Either way, it was still… Continue reading

1/19 Inhotim

Published on: Author: bhanlon

We visited the beautiful gardens and art exhibits of Inhotim today. This amazing place was full incredible pieces of art and breath-taking plants. I was excited to see a full art exhibit by Adriana Varejao, the artist I did my presentation on! I included two photographs from her work. Several other students also saw installations… Continue reading

A Coastal City | 1/24/18

Published on: Author: shailjag

Rio is defined by its sandy beaches and relaxed vibes. The center city is also celebrated for its lively culture. But thinking about the two as a combination, a coastal city, is interesting. Today, we visited Fernando Chacel’s garden in Barra and experienced this idea. We walked along the mangrove coastline, where the dense and… Continue reading

Tiradentes 1/20

Published on: Author: katelynp

Today we were given the opportunity to explore the beautiful city of Tiradentes since it was a free day. We spent the morning sketching in the city where we got to observe the city buildings, which reminded us of Spanish architecture. After that we got to sit and enjoy the sparkling blue pool and take… Continue reading