Researcher Steven Broglio to discuss long-term risk of concussions

Steven Broglio knows more about head impacts than practically anyone. The University of Michigan kinesiology researcher is spearheading a massive NCAA / Department of Defense longitudinal concussion study, which he discussed on the University of Delaware’s STAR Campus.

The lecture, “What is the Long-Term Risk of Concussion: Data vs. Fiction,” is part of the College of Health Sciences Distinguished Scholars Lecture Series. Held in the STAR Atrium, the remarks are open to the public and the campus community. No pre-registration is required, and the college will serve light refreshments.

Broglio, director of the Neuro Trauma Research Laboratory at the University of Michigan, is working with Thomas Buckley, Tom Kaminski and the University of Delaware Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology on the landmark NCAA/DoD study. The overall goal of the study is to identify the natural history and progression of concussions.

“The NCAA/DoD Grand Alliance is the largest comprehensive investigation of sport-related concussion conducted to date,” says Buckley. “Having Dr. Broglio come to UD supports the ongoing research to protect the health and well-being of our student-athletes.” Read more.