Welcome to EmPOWER!

Empathic Peers Offering Wisdom, Encouragement, and Resources (EmPOWER) is a College of Engineering (CoE) initiative to promote mental health and wellness among engineering graduate students. EmPOWER’s activities include a graduate student mentoring network, where senior and junior students in each department are paired to create a support system for junior students and provide mentoring opportunities for senior students. At the department level, EmPOWER hosts monthly de-stressing events (such as movie nights, craft making, and hikes), as well as personal development workshops.

This website communicates EmPOWER’s activities within the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE). Explore our website to learn about upcoming events/seminars, meet the members, and learn about all the resources available to graduate students in many different professional and personal areas!

You can find even more information and resources available on the College of Engineering (CoE) EmPOWER website. 

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