Air quality: Transport and ships
This project is a collaboration between Prof. Archer and the Air Quality Division of DNREC (Delaware National Resources and Environmental Control), supporting two PhD students: Mojtaba Moghani (2016−2020) and Maryam Golbazi (Fall 2017 to current).
In the state of Delaware, ozone is the only air pollutant that reaches concentration levels that exceed the EPA standard (70 ppb). Delaware is a small state with relatively small local pollution sources, thus it is unclear why ozone level is high in our state. The most likely cause of the high ozone concentrations is transport of pollutants from neighboring states. The EPA recommended approach to understand the links between meteorology, emissions, and concentrations of pollutants is to use air quality models. We employ CMAQ and CAMx photochemical air quality models to identify the ozone transport over the northeastern United States. We are also investigating the effect of ships emissions on coastal U.S..
Publications and conference presentations:
- Moghani, M., C. L. Archer, and A. Mirzakhalili, 2018: The importance of transport to ozone pollution in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. Atmospheric Environment, 191, 420-431, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.08.005.
- Moghani, M., and C. L. Archer, 2019: Ozone transport in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic. 21st Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 99th AMS Meeting, Phoenix (AZ), 7 January 2019.
- Golbazi, M., and C. L. Archer, 2019: Methods to estimate surface roughness length for offshore wind energy. Advances in Meteorology, 2019, 5695481, 15 pp., doi: 10.1155/2019/5695481.