Officer Meeting – February 11, 2019

Minutes for February 11, 2019

by: Kelly Mulholland

Participants: Kelly Mulholland, Priscilla Hempel and Wenbo Zhao


Subject: Biotechnology Career Panel Planning Meeting 4

Kelly sent flyer and google form to Facebook, google calendar/website, bisa-news and stem-grads

Kelly made google form to ask grad students for career-related questions to ask our speakers

  • We are already receiving questions on the google form!

Kelly emailed Dr. Wu to participate on our panel

  • Currently waiting on a response

Andrea needs a list of how we would like to allocate the budget for honorarium.

  • Kelly will email list of speakers

Dr. Schmidt would like to meet to discuss data carpentry

  • Kelly will email him to schedule a meeting for for next week after panel

Kelly will set up google form for survey and email Dr. Hoober to add a link to seminar reflection

Priscilla will finalize the catering menu and is the point of contact for the networking dinner

Wenbo will be photographer for the career panel and networking dinner

Priscilla and Juniper will moderate the panel

Upcoming Meetings:

  • Monday 2-18 – meeting at 2pm to set up event
  • Wednesday 2-13 – meeting at 4 pm to shop for supplies
  • Wednesday 2-20 – meeting with Dr. Schmidt to discuss data carpentry workshop

Items to purchase for career panel:

  • cbcb pens, candy
  • plastic wrap/gift bags
  • UD magnet
  • plates, cups, plastic-wear, drink supplies, napkins, plastic table cloth
  • name tags
  • blue and gold balloons or center piece (beaker with flowers)
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