Alex Brown: Humane Horseman

Alex Brown, photo my Morgan Dennison
Alex Brown recently came back for his third and final visit to Campus Voices. He will be moving home to England later this year, after having lived and worked in the United States since 1987.

In this interview, Alex talked about the 2015 Triple Crown races–the interview was recorded in the weeks between the Kentucky Derby and Preakness; his travels around the United States and Canada; and, most importantly, Alex spoke with us about the issue of horse slaughter in the US and the humane treatment of horses in general. Alex talked about the role the horse has played in our history, the way horses are used in our society right now, the “wild” horses of the American West, the different kinds of racing in the United States, the history of horse slaughter in this country, and other topics as he previewed a 50-minute educational video that will be available at his website in the next several days.

Alex presents a balanced point of view as he advocates for the humane treatment of all horses.

Listen to the interview

Alex Brown (recorded 5/8/15, aired 5/14/15)
28.8 MB

About our guest

Barbaro and Alex Brown
Barbaro and Alex Brown
A horseman for all of his adult life–he never let his academic career at the University of Delaware or the University of Pennsylvania curb his enthusiasm for working with horses, Alex Brown came to national prominence with the publication of his 2011 book Greatness and Goodness: Barbaro and his Legacy.

Alex combined his interests in social media and horse racing when he established the blog in 2004. In 2006, this site became a “go to” Internet resource for the global media following Barbaro’s recovery at the New Bolton Center. Alex maintained the site while Barbaro was fighting for his life, and then for three years afterwards while he traveled North America, visiting racetracks to do additional research for Greatness and Goodness: Barbaro and his Legacy. During this time, he also began to compile information about the treatment of horses in the US and Canada.

The YouTube video he is linking from his website summarizes a lot of the information Alex has accumulated about the horse slaughter industry and horse welfare issues in general over the past seven years.

Learn more

Photo credits: Alex Brown in WVUD studio, Morgan Dennison.
Barbaro and Alex Brown, Sabina Louise Pierce