We spoke with Kathleen Luckner, CHS ’16, about her Spring Break 2014 trip to Jamaica where she was one of 14 members of UD’s School of Nursing who worked with vulnerable children at an orphanage in Kingston; Vinu Ragendran, COE ’16, who has applied his talents as a Biomedical Engineering major to a variety of projects in the CHS Infant Behavior Lab and the UD Assistive Medical Technologies student club; and Sarah LaFave, CHS ’11, who founded the Lori’s Hands service organization as a UD undergraduate and who has returned to UD to coordinate Service Learning projects in CHS.
This conversation was inspiring by itself, but taken with the other conversations we’ve had with students involved in service projects (Student engagement on campus, May 8, 2014; Engineering for the future, March 20, 2014; Engineers without borders, March 14, 2013), it is clear that Service Learning is here to stay at UD!
Listen to the Interview
Sarah LaFave, Kathleen Luckner, and Vinu Rajendran 29:30 28.3 MB |
Video Clip 2:05 15.1 MB |
Learn More
- Service Learning at UD
- UD Office of Service Learning
- UD Alternative Breaks website (Service Learning)
- UDaily: Nurses abroad: UD nursing students spend spring break meeting health challenges in Jamaica, by Diane Kukich, April 28, 2014.
- College of Health Sciences: Service Learning
- Go Baby Go website
- Babies, start your engines (UD video), UD Professor Cole Galloway talks about Mobility and Socialization, September 23, 2011.
- Go Baby Go: Cole Galloway’s toy cars help disabled kids get moving (video), NationsWell.com, February 4, 2014.
- UDaily: Go Baby Go goes global: Baby mobility project uses social media to share information, recruit research participants, by Diane Kukich, June 11, 2013.
- UDaily: P-WREX+: Upper-extremity exoskeleton to be modified for infants, by Diane Kukich, December 16, 2013.
- UDaily: Civic science and social mobility: Go Baby Go project receives NSF funding to explore new concepts of mobility and infant development, by Diane Kukich, January 13, 2014.
Photo by Sarah Tompkins