
Welcome to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Section at the University of Delaware (ASME UD) website! We aim to promote quality engineering, networking, and fun!

Welcome to the ASME chapter at the University of Delaware! Our first general body meeting happened on September 7th. No worries if you missed it, our next general body meeting is on October 5th, time and location TBD. 

Find ways to stay up-to-date on information Here

Pumpkin Chunkin’ 2018

Meet the ASME UD 2018 Pumpkin Chunkin’ buildteam! We had an absolute blast this year at Rowan University’s annual competition. Pumpkin Chunkin’ challenges prospective and current engineering students to work together to build a machine according to certain specifications to develop their engineering design skills. It also provides an opportunity for like-minded students from across the region to connect with and learn from each other while they have fun launching pumpkins.

Built in just a few weeks, we achieved a max throwing distance of 190 feet. Can’t wait for next year’s competition!

Image by Juan Zamudio, UD ASME Vice President


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2 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hi I am currently a sophomore mechanical engineer at UD. I wanted to get involved in UDASME this semester and find out more about it as far as meetings go, when they are, what’s discussed, etc.


    1. Hi Nate,

      If you would like to leave or send me or any of the other officers your e-mail address, we will see that you get added to our mailing list if you hadn’t already signed up at Open House!

      – Vince

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